(a)   Ordinary Antennas. Antenna structures for private radio or television reception may be erected on any roof of a building or structure without a building permit, provided, however, that:
      (1)   The antenna is not more than 12 feet in height measured from the highest point of the roof surface.
      (2)   Construction is of non-corrosive, noncombustible material.
      (3)   When anchored, the antenna will not injure the roof covering, and if and when the antenna is removed, the roof covering shall be repaired to provide an approved rain-tight covering.
      (4)   The antenna assembly shall not be erected closer than three feet to a side yard property line or closer than the height of the antenna assembly, whichever is greater.
      (5)   The antenna assembly and its supporting members shall be erected far enough from any power line, 120 volts to ground, to avoid possible accidental contact with electrical conductors.
      (6)   Microwave dish-type antennas, 18 inches in diameter or less, shall be considered ordinary and not require a permit, provided, however, that:
         A.   Such an antenna is not placed or extended out into a required side yard and is not placed within a front yard or attached to any vertical portion of any structure facing a street; and
         B.   If erected upon a roof, it shall be kept as far back as practical from the front of the structure.
   (b)   Antenna Towers. Permits shall be required for antennas, antenna towers and their supporting structures, such as dipoles and vertical rods that will exceed 12 feet in height.
   Application for a permit to construct an antenna tower or structure shall be made to the Building Commissioner, accompanied by detailed plans of the antenna assembly, including a site plan showing the proposed location and the method of attachment and anchorage, and such antenna towers or structures shall meet the following construction criteria:
      (1)   They shall be constructed not to exceed 50 feet in height from finished grade.
      (2)   They shall be constructed of approved corrosion-resistant metallic material, be equipped with step bolts and a ladder, and be readily accessible for inspection purposes.
      (3)   Radio and television towers shall comply with the structural requirements of the latest adopted edition of the Ohio Building Code as pertaining to said towers.
      (4)   It shall have a foundation suitable to the structure being erected, designed by a registered architect or engineer.
      (5)   The entire structure and its supporting structures shall not be forward of the rear foundation line of the main building and shall not be closer than ten feet from any property line, and in no case located within the required side yard.
      (6)   No antenna tower or accessory thereto shall cross or encroach upon any street, public space or required setback, or over any electrical power line or cable television line, or upon any other privately owned property.
      (7)   Antenna towers shall be designed so as to eliminate any need for the use of guy wires. Where an antenna tower abutting a structure is approved for construction, such tower may be anchored to the structure.
      (8)   No antenna or device shall be placed on an antenna tower that may or will cause interference with radio and television receivers of surrounding property owners.
   (c)   Erection of Satellite Earth Stations. No person shall erect a satellite earth station (dish-type satellite signal-receiving earth station) in the City without first obtaining a permit therefor, and no installation or erection shall commence before a permit is issued.
   The Building Commissioner shall issue such permit, provided the applicant submits a written application therefor upon forms provided by the Building Department. Two sets of plans shall be submitted with such application, showing the exact location of the proposed earth station; the location of all buildings on the subject lot and distances from the earth station to abutting residences; a description of the kind of earth station proposed; specifications for installation, including materials, complete dimensions, support structure details, the location of supporting guy wires, if required, and utility wires, and plans of landscape screening.
   (d)   Location of Satellite Earth Stations, Microwave Antennas and Parabolic Reflectors.
      (1)   No earth station shall be erected in any front or side yard or within 20 feet of any lot line.
      (2)   All earth stations, microwave antennas and parabolic reflectors shall be placed at ground level.
      (3)   Non-objectionable evergreen landscape screening, of a minimum height approved by the Architectural Board of Review, shall be planted to form a barrier so as to shield the structure as reasonably as possible from adjoining properties.
      (4)   Commercial buildings with flat roof surfaces, may erect a dish-type antenna on a flat roof, provided, however, that:
         A.   The dish or antenna is screened from view of the street with a permanent screening enclosure as accepted and approved by the Architectural Board of Review of the City of Lyndhurst;
         B.   The Building Commissioner or his or her agent finds that the antenna will not, in his or her opinion, be or cause an objectionable and/or nuisance condition; or
         C.   Be contrary to the provisions or intent of anything contained within this Zoning Code.
   (e)   Satellite Earth Station Specifications.
      (1)   No earth station shall be linked to receivers which are not located on the same lot or premises as the earth station.
      (2)   The maximum diameter of any earth station shall be 12 feet.
      (3)   Only a concrete base or caissons, depending on soil conditions, shall be employed in line with grade.
      (4)   The height of a satellite earth station, when turned perpendicular to the ground, including its support structure, shall not exceed 14 feet above the concrete base or the natural grade.
      (5)   Earth stations and/or dish antennas shall be designed to meet the structural provisions for radio and television antennas as set forth in the latest adopted edition of the Ohio Building Code.
      (6)   All wiring shall conform to the provisions of the latest adopted edition of the National Electrical Code.
   (f)   Permit Fee. The fee for a permit to erect a satellite earth station or antenna tower is twenty-five dollars ($25.00).
   (g)   Maintenance. All antennas, antenna towers and satellite earth stations shall be maintained in good repair and kept structurally sound. All surfaces shall be maintained in good condition, free of rust, peeling paint or corrosion.
(Ord. 96-61. Passed 4-21-97.)