A. Qualifications; Oath: Every person appointed to the office of police officer shall be at the time of his appointment a citizen of the United States and, previous to exercising any function of his office, shall take and subscribe an oath or affirmation that he will faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of his office according to the best of his knowledge and ability. (1987 Code § 2.24.040)
B. Duties: It shall be the duty of the police officers to aid and assist the police chief in the execution of his duties. They shall have power and authority in the town to serve and execute warrants and other processes for the apprehension and commitment of persons charged with or held for examination or trial or taken in execution for the commission of any crime or misdemeanor or violation of any law or ordinance of the town. They shall be vested with and have all the power and authority conferred upon police officers pursuant to the laws of the state. (1987 Code § 2.24.050)
C. Failure To Perform: Any police officer who neglects or refuses to perform any duty required of him by the ordinances of the town, or who in the discharge of his official duties, is guilty of any fraud, extortion, oppression, partiality, or wilful wrong or injustice, shall be punished according to the provisions set forth in section 1-4-1 of this code. (1987 Code § 2.24.060)