It shall be the duty of all owners of ground fronting or abutting on any street in the Township to keep their sidewalks in good repair and passable condition, whether such sidewalks are at the established grade or not, and when notified to do so they shall make all necessary repairs within thirty days after receipt of a notice as is required by Section 1020.04 or after the service of such a notice as hereinafter provided. When sidewalks are in a dangerous condition, they shall be temporarily repaired and rendered safe within twenty-four hours after the receipt of a notice to that effect, or after service of such a notice as hereinafter provided, which notice shall be signed by any member of the Highway Committee of the Board of Commissioners. Upon failure of the owner or owners to comply with the notice, the said Committee shall have the necessary temporary repairs made and the proper Township authorities shall collect the cost of the work and the materials from the owner or owners of such ground as such claims are by law recoverable.
(Ord. 186. Passed 5-24-35.)