2.90.090   Duties.
   The Board shall:
   A.   Carry out the policies of the City Commission and receive, study and recommend to the City Commission all requests by individuals or groups in reference to the activities, programs and plans of the Commission.
   B.   Advise and consult with the City Commission on public reaction to the activities of the Board.
   C.   Make recommendations as to priority for additions to or construction of parks or recreation facilities.
   D.   Have no power to make any final determination upon any of the foregoing matters and shall have advisory power only.
   E.   Provide recommendations for programs and activities conducted by the Parks and Recreation Division. The Parks and Recreation Division includes the Cemetery, Library, Parks and Recreation Department, Senior Citizens Center, Theatre, and Youth Center.
   F.   Provide the City Commission with a quarterly report on its recommendations, actions taken, and other information requested by the Commission. The report shall be given by the chairperson or other board member as designated by the chairperson.
(Ord. 564 (part), 2019: Ord. 507, 2013)