15.24.120   Control measures.
   Control measures are methods which can be utilized to limit the creation of fugitive dust or windblown particulate matter. CMs are to be identified within the WECP and once approved need to be implemented in accordance with this chapter for all dust or windblown particulate matter generating activities within or adjacent to the city limits. CMs shall include, but not be limited to:
   A.   Designing subdivisions or building sites to utilize existing, pre-development grades;
   B.   Watering disturbed areas on a regular and minimum basis throughout the daily construction activities, including periods of inactivity;
   C.   Applying palliatives or chemical soil suppressant/stabilizer for idle construction periods;
   D.   Constructing and maintaining wind barrier fences. Such fencing should be a minimum of three feet in height with fifty percent or less porosity and be placed adjacent to roadways or property boundaries to reduce the amount of windblown material leaving a site. The barriers may also be placed within a site to create wind buffers;
   E.   Re-seeding or re-vegetation of graded or disturbed areas;
   F.   Grading for street and utility placement only as part of subdivision construction;
   G.   Building all interior and perimeter cinder block, rockwalls, and retaining walls as part of the overall construction of all subdivisions and not part of the individual building permit for each lot. Walls shall serve as wind breaks and help to reduce the entrainment of dust and the spread of windblown particulate matter;
   H.   Grading the building pad site only plus five feet in all directions of the pad site;
   I.   Retaining natural vegetation during the construction phase of building excluding the building pad site;
   J.   Utilizing existing or natural vegetation as part of the landscaping for the site as elsewhere required within these design standards, to limit grading activities, to promote water conservation, and to reduce dust generation;
   K.   Installing non-natural landscaping or vegetation in the latter part of construction to reduce the amount of disturbed area and the potential for dust generation;
   L.   Implementing any other proposed dust suppressing agent or activity approved by the city manager or designee, especially those that have been developed to be effective in our particular area;
   M.   Combining any two or more of the above items. (Ord. 526 (part), 2014)