15.24.090   Construction activity standards.
   These standards shall apply for all design and construction activities on real property within the city limits including, but not limited to, subdivisions, large lot residential, office, commercial and industrial construction.
   No person shall cause, allow, or permit a building or its appurtenances, or a building or subdivision site to be constructed, used, altered, repaired, demolished, cleared, or leveled, or the earth to be moved or excavated, without taking precautions to limit excessive amounts of particulate matter from becoming airborne. Dust and blowing dirt and sand shall be kept to a minimum by good practices such as using an approved dust suppressant or soil stabilizer, paving, covering, landscaping, continuous wetting, controlling access and speeds, or other acceptable means.
   A.   Subdivision requirements.
      1.   For all subdivisions, a WECP shall be prepared, submitted, and reviewed for approval as part of the overall review of the subdivision construction drawings through the planning and zoning process.
      2.   Developers of the subdivision shall be allowed to grade for the subdivision only after complete subdivision construction drawing approval and permit issuance. No separate grading permit shall be allowed nor shall any grading be allowed beyond the phase of the development that is under construction.
      3.   An expanded scope of grading may be considered provided the developer submits a WECP for the area of grading outside of the phase of development which outlines effective dust and windblown particulate matter control methods and upon permit issuance immediately implements and routinely maintains the WECP and CM's.
      4.   The developer shall construct and maintain a perimeter wind fence or dust barrier with a minimum height of three feet along the perimeter of the development where the construction or development is adjacent to existing developed or built areas.
   B.   Large lot residential, office, commercial, and industrial requirements.
      1.   For all large lot residential properties, in which the total area is one-half acre or greater, and for all office, commercial, industrial, institutional or governmental construction activities, a WECP shall be prepared, submitted and reviewed as part of the building permit.
      2.   Grading activities shall only be allowed to commence after building plan approval and permit issuance. Site improvement only development permits may be considered pursuant to the following:
         a.   The site is three acres or less.
         b.   Dust emissions on the affected lot must be permanently suppressed by providing paved parking areas and driving isles and landscaping.
         c.   All disturbed building pads must be suppressed as to prevent the creation of fugitive dust until such time as building placement occurs.
         d.   The anticipated amount of time between site development and building construction is sixty days or less. If more than sixty days passes the building pad shall be re-vegetated or fenced off with a minimum three feet high wind fence capable of controlling fugitive emissions. (Ord. 526 (part), 2014)