13.08.020   Connection with public sewer—Required— Penalties.
   A.   When the city makes available a sewer line within one hundred feet of any lot or parcel of land located within the city, the owner shall make application to and connect with the sewer system of the city; and upon the owner's failure to do so within ninety days, the occupant thereof shall, within ninety days, make application to and connect with the utility system of the city. Upon connection with the utility system of the city all cesspools and pit toilets shall be discontinued and filled.
   B.   Failing to abide by this section, the owner of any lot or parcel of land and occupant thereof shall be subject to a fine of twenty-five dollars for each offense for each thirty days in which this section has not been complied with. As a separate and additional remedy, if the owner or occupant fails to connect with such sewer system or fails to fill all cesspools and pit toilets, the city commission by resolution may declare the premises a nuisance and summarily abate such nuisance by padlocking the same or enjoining the occupancy of such premises. Upon the premises being declared a nuisance, the city shall no longer furnish water service to such premises and it is unlawful for any utility to serve such premises and any utility or employee thereof thereafter serving such premises shall be subject to a fine of twenty-five dollars for each offense.
(Ord. 553, 2017: prior code § 4-3-26)