A. Any person, either as manager or landlord, keeping a hotel, roominghouse or place of lodging of a similar kind shall keep a book for the registration of the names of persons rooming or lodging in such hotel, rooming house or lodginghouse, and shall require each person so lodging or rooming in such hotel, roominghouse or lodginghouse to register his or her correct name and place of residence therein before he shall be assigned to or given a room in such building.
B. Any person keeping such hotel, roominghouse or lodginghouse who shall fail, neglect or refuse to keep such register publicly displayed, for public inspection at any time, and who shall fail, neglect or refuse to require any person rooming, lodging or living in such hotel, roominghouse or lodginghouse to register his or her name and place of residence upon such register under the proper date shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Prior code § 7-3-13)