9.20.130   Outdoor lighting.
   A.   No security light, floodlight, recreational light or other lights shall be so located, installed, operated or maintained as to annoy, disturb, injure or endanger the comfort, repose, health, peace or safety of others or otherwise interfere with the enjoyment of their respective property rights by adjacent property owners or occupiers.
   B.   Light used to illuminate any back yard, alley, side yard, front yard or adjoining lot for recreational purposes, security purposes or other purposes shall be so placed and so arranged or shaded as to reflect light away from the adjoining residential properties.
   C.   This section shall not prohibit neighboring property owners from joining in the installation and/or use of such security or recreational lights or other lights installed or maintained for their mutual and joint benefit. (Ord. 298, 1979: prior code § 7-1-6.1)