2.40.030   Police chief-Appointment-Duties- Oath-Bond.
   The chief of police shall be appointed by the governing body. The chief of police shall:
   A.   Execute and return all writs and processes as directed by the municipal judge;
   B.   Serve criminal writs and processes in any part of the county wherein the municipality is situated; and
   C.   Within the municipality, to suppress all riots, disturbances and breaches of the peace, apprehend all disorderly persons, pursue and arrest any person fleeing from justice, and apprehend any person in the act of violating the laws of the state or the ordinances of the municipality and bring him before competent authority for examination and trial;
   D.   Render such accounts of the police department, his duties, department operations and receipts as may be required by the commission and keep records of the department and his office open to public inspection at all reasonable times;
   E.   Before entering upon the duties of such office, the chief of police shall take and subscribe to an oath that he will support the constitution and laws of the state of New Mexico, the constitution of the United States and the ordinances of the municipality, and that he will faithfully perform the duties of the office upon which he is about to enter.
   F.   He shall furnish a surety bond in a principal sum to be fixed and conditioned upon the faithful discharge of the duties of his office, or a surety bond covering all officers of the department may be secured.
   G.   He may be removed for just and probable cause relating to malfeasance in office, neglect of duties or failure to carry out the desires of the governing body. (Prior code § 4-1-3)