Any owner, lessee or occupant or agent, servant, representative or employee of an owner, lessee or occupant having control of any lot within the city who shall allow or maintain on any such lot any growth of weeds or grass to a height of over ten inches shall be deemed maintaining a nuisance. This includes the area located between the property line and the middle of the alley adjacent to the property, and the area located between the property line and the curb, the area of any curbs or sidewalks located on the property, and the area located ten feet outside the property line where there is no curb. Sidewalks, curbs, and gutters shall be kept clear of any grass or weeds regardless of height, dirt, or debris.
(Ord. 548, 2016; Ord. 505, 2012; Ord. 342 (part), 1987: prior code § 4-5-25)