2.12.080   Rules of debate.
   A.   The mayor may not make and second motions, may debate from the chair, and shall have all privileges of other members.
   B.   Each commissioner desiring to speak shall address the presiding officer and after being recognized confine himself to debate, avoiding personalities and indecorous language.
   C.   A commissioner having been recognized shall not be interrupted except to call him to order. If called to order, he shall cease speaking until the point of order is decided after which he may proceed.
   D.   The commissioner moving the adoption of an ordinance or resolution shall have the privilege of closing debate.
   E.   A motion to reconsider any action taken by the governing body shall be made on the day such action was taken. Such motion shall have precedence over ail other motions except a motion to adjourn and shall be debatable.
   F.   A member of the commission may request the privilege of having his statement on any subject under consideration entered in the minutes subject to the consent of the governing body, provided that any member shall have the right to cause his reasons for dissent or protest against the action of the commission entered in the minutes without consent.
   G.   The newest version of Robert's Rules of Order shall be used by the commission in determining any issue not covered by this section. A copy of the newest version of Robert's Rules of Order book will be kept in the city clerk's office.
(Ord. 592, 2022: amended during 1992 codification; prior code § 2-2-5)