A. It is unlawful for any person to keep, or permit to be kept on his premises, any wild animal or any vicious animal, for any purpose whatsoever, including for display and for exhibition purposes, whether gratuitous or for a fee when he knows, or should have known, that such animal may attack and injure humans or attack and injure other domestic animals.
B. It shall be the duty of any person who is the owner or keeper of a vicious animal, to immediately cause such vicious animal to be killed, or to surrender the animal to the dog officer to be killed and failure to do so is unlawful.
C. In the event the court determines the animal to be vicious, regardless of whether the owner or person having custody of the vicious animal is found in violation of this section and whether any fine or imprisonment be imposed on the owner or person having custody of the vicious animal, the court shall order the dog officer to destroy the vicious animal. It shall be the duty of the dog officer to capture the vicious animal wherever found, including upon owner's premises, and promptly destroy the animal. (Ord. 336 (part), 1985: Ord. 332 (part), 1985: prior code § 10-1-8)