For the purpose of this chapter the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section:
"Dry cleaning" means and includes the act, art, or process of cleaning and renovating wearing apparel, clothes, textiles, feathers, furs, hats, rugs or other fabrics with volatile inflammable, volatile noninflammable or any other liquid, in a commercial establishment
"Dry dyeing" or "dyeing" means and includes the art, act, or process of dyeing wearing apparel, felts, furs, hair, feathers, leathers, rugs, and all other textile fabrics in a solution of volatile inflammable, volatile noninflammable or any other liquid, in a commercial establishment.
"Permanent cleaner," "dyer" or "presser" means and includes any person engaged in the business of dry cleaning, dyeing or pressing within the city for six months or more of any one year and who in fact carries on such business in the city for profit.
"Pressing" includes the pressing of clothes or other fabrics by whatever means used, in a commercial establishment.
"School" means and includes any establishment set up and operated for the purpose of teaching the art of dry cleaning, dyeing or pressing, as defined in this section.
"Sponging and spotting" means and includes the removal of dirt, grease or other foreign substances by local application of inflammable or noninflammable products in a commercial establishment.
"Transient cleaner, dyer or presser" means and includes any person who engages in the dry cleaning, dyeing or pressing business in the city and maintains such place of business in the city for less than six successive months in any one year.
"Volatile inflammable products" means liquids, viscous, or other compounds, powder or solid products or substance having the capacity to evaporate, generate and emit a gas or vapor propagative of flame, fire or explosion, incident to evaporation.
"Volatile noninflammable products" means liquids, viscous, or other compounds, powder or solid product or substance having the capacity to evaporate, generate and emit a gas or vapor not propagative of flame, fire or explosion incident to evaporation. (Prior code § 15-1-1)