2.96.180   Strikes and lockouts prohibited.
   A.   No employee or labor organization shall engage in a strike. No labor organization shall cause, instigate, encourage, or support a strike. The employer shall not cause, instigate, or engage in an employee lockout.
   B.   The employer may apply to the district court for injunctive relief to end a strike, and an exclusive representative of public employees affected by a lockout may apply to the district court for injunctive relief to end a lockout.
   C.   The board, upon a clear and convincing showing of proof at a hearing that a labor organization directly caused or instigated an employee strike, may impose appropriate penalties on that labor organization, up to and including decertification of the labor organization with respect to any of its bargaining units which struck as a result of such causation or instigation. A strike means an employee's refusal, in concerted action with other employees, to report for duty or his wilful absence or withholding of service in whole or in part from the full, faithful, and proper performance of the duties of employment for die purpose of inducing, influencing, or coercing a change in the working conditions, compensation, rights, privileges, or obligations of employment. (Ord. 460 § 18, 2005)