2.92.090   Unclassified employees.
   A.   Appointed Employees. Appointed employees are the city manager, city clerk/treasurer, assistant city manager, police chief, and fire chief. Appointed employees are unclassified, are terminable-at-will and cannot avail themselves of the grievance procedures set forth herein, but are entitled to all other benefits provided by the city in accordance with this chapter.
   B.   Probationary Employee. The purpose of the probationary period is to evaluate the employee's ability, potential, and performance. A full-time or part-time probationary employee is an unclassified employee who is hired to fill a classified position, but who has not yet completed the probationary period of employment during which time he is terminable-at-will. Probationary employees may not avail themselves of the grievance procedures set forth herein, but are entitled to all city benefits provided herein.
      1.    To determine whether an employee has satisfactorily completed the probationary period, the employee's department head shall evaluate the employee's performance and the employee's ability to work with the public, peers, supervisors, and management. A probationary employee must be evaluated in writing at the end of the probationary period before becoming a classified employee. A probationary employee may be evaluated at any other time during the probationary period.
      2.    An uncertified employee hired to fill a public safety position serves a one-year probationary period or two thousand eighty hours, whichever is greater, and must obtain the statutorily required certification for the position within one year from the date of hire. If the employee fails to obtain such certification within one year or two thousand eighty hours, whichever is greater, the employee shall be terminated unless the employee is enrolled in the law enforcement or fire academy on the employee' s anniversary date. Any employee who completes the law enforcement or fire academy training and fails to obtain certification shall be terminated.
      3.   All other employees serve a six-month probationary period.
      4.   If an employee does not satisfactorily complete the probationary period, the employee shall be dismissed. Proposed dismissal of a probationary employee must be discussed with the city attorney and city manager.
      5.   If an employee is hired to a full-time or part-time classified position, the first day of work in that position shall be used in computing the beginning of the probationary period.
      6.   An employee who fills a temporary position and is subsequently hired to fill a classified position shall serve the required probationary period. The beginning date of the probationary period is the date the employee changes from temporary to probationary status.
      7.   A former city employee rehired more than six months after resignation or rehired at any time to fill a different position shall serve the required probationary period.
      8.   If a probationary employee changes positions during the probationary period, he must serve the remainder of the current probationary period or serve a three-month probationary period whichever is greater.
   C.   Temporary Employee. A temporary employee is hired on either a full-time or part-time basis to a seasonal position or to a position established for a period of no more than three months. Temporary employees are terminable-at-will, are not entitled to grieve personnel actions, do not receive city benefits, and do not accrue leave.
   D.   Casual Employee. A casual employee is hired on an as needed basis. Casual employees are terminable-at-will, are not entitled to grieve personnel actions, do not receive city benefits, and do not accrue leave. (Ord. 435 § 3.2, 2001)