(a) The following principles are effective in minimizing erosion and sedimentation and shall be included where applicable in plans required by this chapter:
(1) Stripping of vegetation, re-grading or other development shall be done in such a way that will minimize erosion. Whenever feasible, natural vegetation shall be retained, protected and supplemented;
(2) Development plans shall preserve salient natural features, keep grading operations to a minimum, and ensure conformity with topography so as to create the least erosion potential;
(3) The smallest practical area of land shall be exposed at any one time and the duration of exposure shall be kept to a practical minimum. The topsoil shall be preserved and returned to the surface of areas to be re-vegetated, or new topsoil will be provided, or the surface shall be covered with sod;
(4) Disturbed soils shall be stabilized as quickly as practical with temporary vegetation or mulching to protect exposed critical areas during development;
(5) The permanent vegetation and structural erosion control and drainage measures shall be installed as soon as practical in the development;
(6) Provisions shall be made to effectively accommodate the increased storm water runoff caused by changed soil and surface conditions during and after development. Where necessary, detention/retention basins shall be provided according to the requirements of this chapter and Storm Water Management and Sediment Control Design Manual; and
(7) Sediment in the runoff water shall be trapped by the use of sediment basins, or similar measures until the disturbed area is stabilized.
(b) The following standards shall be followed in preparing plans required by this chapter:
(1) All lots, tracts, or parcels shall be graded to provide proper drainage away from buildings and dispose of it without ponding, and all land within a project area shall be graded to drain and dispose of surface water without ponding, except where approved by the City Engineer. Each lot shall be graded such that water from the lot drains to natural streams, swales, or other watercourses, or storm sewers but not to an adjacent lot if the rate of runoff to that lot is increased;
(2) All drainage provisions shall be of such design to adequately handle the storm water runoff according to the Storm Water Management and Sediment Control Design Manual;
(3) Concentration of storm water runoff shall only be permitted in swales or watercourses;
(4) The installation of the specific Storm Water Management measures shall be accomplished in accordance with the standards and specifications contained in the Storm Water Management and Sediment Control Design Manual or as recommended by the City Engineer.
(5) During the construction phase, further consultative technical assistance will be furnished, if necessary, by the City Engineer; and the Director or the Director's designee shall enforce compliance with the approved plans.
(c) The approved plan required of the landowner or his agent under this chapter shall include, but not be restricted to the following:
(1) A vicinity sketch and boundary line survey of the project area;
(2) Location of all existing buildings, structures, utilities, storm and sanitary sewers and waterlines in the project area;
(3) Location of all trees, if there are no trees, a note so stating shall be placed on the plans;
(4) Location of any building or structure, on land of adjacent property owners, within fifty feet of the project area;
(5) Elevations, contours, dimensions, locations, and extent of all work proposed to be done within fifty feet of the project area, the existing elevations and contours of the land all in increments of two feet, and proposed groundcover for areas not covered by buildings, structures or pavement;
(6) Soil type, if required by the City Engineer;
(7) A certification of the quantity of cut and fill involved;
(8) Detailed plans of all proposed storm water provisions, retaining walls, vegetative practices, erosion and sediment control measures, location of fences around sediment basins, detention/retention basins or steep excavations and other protective devices to be constructed in connection with, or as part of the proposed work;
(9) Provisions for maintenance of erosion and sediment control facilities including easements to ensure short as well as long term erosion and sediment control;
(10) A map showing the drainage area of land tributary to the project area and estimated runoff of the area served by any drainage structure or watercourse, computed in accordance with Storm Water Management criteria as outlined in this chapter and in the Storm Water Management and Sediment Control Design Manual; and
(11) The estimated cost of all the required Storm Water Management items.
(d) The City Manager or the City Manager's designee shall make a continuing review and evaluation of the methods used and overall effectiveness of the provisions of this section.
(Ord. 2003-07. Passed 1-28-03.)