(a)    Annual Registration Required. All Service Providers with a Use Permit, or the equivalent thereof for purposes of this chapter, to own, operate, maintain or otherwise locate facilities in a public way of the City shall register with the City each calendar year between January 1 and January 31 on a form provided by the City Manager.
   (b)    Purpose of Registration. The purpose of registration under this Section 913.05 is to:
      (1)    Update and supplement the City's database so that the City has accurate and current information concerning the service providers that own or operate facilities, and/or provide services, in the City's public ways;
      (2)    Assist the City in monitoring the usage of the public ways in order to ensure that the public receives the maximum possible benefit from that use and the use is consistent with the best management and care of the public ways;
      (3)    Assist the City in the collection and enforcement of any municipal taxes, franchise fees, compliance fees or charges that may be due the City;
      (4)    Assist the City in monitoring compliance with local, State and federal laws.
   (c)    Information Required for Registration. Registration forms will be provided by the City and shall require the following information:
      (1)    Any material changes to the information the use permit holder provided the City in any and all of the use permit applications for which the holder currently has a use permit, including, but not limited to:
         A.   The identity, legal status, and federal tax identification number of the registrant, including any affiliates.
         B.   The name, address and telephone number of the local officer, agent or employee responsible for. the accuracy of the registration statement and available at all reasonable times to be notified in case of emergency.
      (2)    A description of, and a preliminary construction schedule and completion date for, any capital improvements the registrant plans in the City's public ways for the twelve (12) months following the date of registration, including:
         A.   As soon as available, a current "to scale" map or drawing that clearly locates all the proposed capital improvements, including horizontal and vertical information; facility type, size, depth, and capacity; and other such relevant information. If a "to scale" map is not available, the registrant shall supply as much of the required information as is currently available, but in no event shall the description of the proposed capital improvement be less than by City quadrant and/or street name and facility type. The registrant shall update all required information as soon as it becomes available.
         B.   A general description of the service that the registrant intends to offer or provide over the proposed facilities within the City. Where a service will be provided by a nonaffiliated provider, the registrant shall identify that provider.
         C.   Information sufficient to determine that the registrant has applied for and received any certificate of authority required by PUCO to provide services or facilities within the City.
         D.   Information sufficient to determine that the registrant has applied for and received any construction permit, operating license, certification, or other approvals required by the Federal Communications Commission to provide telecommunications or Cable Services or Facilities within the City.
      (3)    Such other information as the City Manager may reasonably require.
   (d)    Registration to be Kept Current. In addition to the annual registration requirement, each registrant shall keep all required registration information current at all times and shall provide the City with notice of changes to the required information within fifteen (15) days following the date on which the service provider has notice of such change.
(Ord. 1999-48. Passed 10-12-99.)
   (e)   Registration Fee. Each new service provider shall register and pay a registration fee established and set forth in Codified Ordinance Chapter 111 , Schedule of Fees, Fines and Other Charges.
(Ord. 2012-56. Passed 6-26-12.)