The City hereby designates the City of Loveland Historic District, as depicted on the zoning map, as the site and location for the establishment of a Farmers Market within the City, on the following conditions:
   (a)   The Farmers Market shall be restricted to the sale of produce and commodities that are grown or produced by the individual vendor. “Produce and commodities” is defined as meats, cheeses, vegetables, nuts, fruits, flowers, herbs, baked goods, candies and “other products” determined to be appropriate for a Farmer’s Market by the operator of the Farmer’s Market.
   (b)   The Farmers Market may be operated during a season beginning on April 1 and ending on November 30, and may be operated between dawn and dusk on one day of each week except Sunday.
   (c)   The Farmers Market shall be sponsored and operated by a City-approved individual, family, partnership, corporation or other legal entity (the “Operator”) on City property pursuant to a lease between the City and the operator under terms acceptable to both parties.
      (Ord. 2011-8. Passed 2-22-11.)