Peddlers and Hawkers
110.01 Regulation
110.02 Hours of solicitation
110.03 Exceptions
110.04 Bond
110.05 Expiration; not transferable
Placement of Trailers and Mobile Homes
110.15 Permission from Council required
110.30 Grant of authority; electricity
110.31 Cable television subscriber fees and rates
110.32 Local cable television franchise policy; adopted by reference
110.33 Franchise; solid waste collection for businesses
110.45 Establishment of lotteries
110.46 Sales outlet locations; approval required; qualification standards
110.47 Participation; restrictions
Tobacco and Cigarettes
110.60 License to sell; issuance
110.61 License application
110.62 License term; fees
110.63 Rights of license
110.64 Disposition of fees
110.65 Transfer of license
110.66 Re-issuance of revoked and forfeited license