The Board shall schedule regular monthly meetings. The Board may cancel meetings or schedule special meetings at the call of the chair, as appropriate to satisfy the duties and obligations of the Board. In no event shall the Board meet less frequently than once per quarter.
(Lou. Metro Ord. No. 147-2020, approved 12-2-2020)
(A) There is hereby established an Office of Inspector General for Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government to perform the functions and responsibilities for investigation and review of the Louisville Metro Police Department as established in this subchapter.
(C) The office shall be provided a budget sufficient to carry out the responsibilities and functions established in this subchapter.
(Lou. Metro Ord. No. 147-2020, approved 12-2-2020)
(A) A search committee shall be established by the Mayor to seek qualified applicants for the position of Inspector General, and that search shall not be limited by geographical area;
(B) The search committee, which shall include the Chair of the Civilian Review and Accountability Board or the Vice Chair if designated by the Chair, and the President of Metro Council or a member of Metro Council designated by the President, shall interview and select applicants who meet the qualifications established in LMCO § 36.80.
(C) The Inspector General shall be appointed by the Mayor from a list of three qualified applicants submitted by the search committee. The appointment shall require the approval of Metro Council.
(D) The Inspector General's term of office shall be four years, and the Inspector General may be reappointed to two additional successive terms by the Mayor after consultation with the Civilian Review and Accountability Board, and approval by Metro Council.
(E) The Inspector General shall receive a salary from the established budget for the Office of Inspector General. The salary shall be commensurate to salaries of Louisville Metro Government directors and subject to applicable classification and compensation ordinances and resolutions.
(F) The Inspector General shall be required to take the same oath of office as is required by the Mayor and members of the Metro Council before performing official duties.
(G) The Inspector General is subject to the Metro Ethics Code as found in Chapter 21 of this Code. Violation of any provision thereof shall be cause for removal under LMCO § 36.81.
(H) If the Inspector General resigns, the Inspector General shall not be employed by any other area of Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government for the duration of the period that would have constituted the Inspector General's term of office.
(Lou. Metro Ord. No. 147-2020, approved 12-2-2020)
The Inspector General is not required to have law enforcement experience, but a person with experience: conducting civil, criminal or factual investigations that involve gathering, analyzing and evaluating evidence; conducting in-depth research and report writing; conducting interviews with witnesses; or training and experience in law enforcement is preferred. Work experience in the legal profession as a licensed attorney, of which two years are in a role related to criminal, administrative, or civil investigations is also preferred. The Inspector General cannot have been employed by the Louisville Metro Police Department, the Department of Kentucky State Police, a police department within the Commonwealth of Kentucky, or the Sheriff's office of any county within the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
(Lou. Metro Ord. No. 147-2020, approved 12-2-2020)