No person shall erect, install or allow to be erected or installed a pit privy except to repair or replace an existing pit privy. A permit for such is required from the Health Department.
   (a)   Portable Toilets. Portable toilets may be used for temporary uses such as construction sites, special events, and emergencies. They may not be used to facilitate new development or expansions of existing facilities or as a permanent means of sewage disposal. The tank shall be cleaned at least once weekly or more often as necessary to prevent the contents from filling the tank above two-thirds of its capacity. Cleaning of the tank shall be done by a licensed septic tank cleaner with approved equipment as required in Section 1066.04(b). Chemicals approved by the Health Department shall be added as often as necessary to liquefy wastes and prevent objectionable odors. Daily washing of the toilet seat and the inside of the building shall be required. Toilet tissue and hand sanitizer shall be provided at all times. The privy shall be maintained in such a way that it will not endanger public health or create a nuisance.
   (b)   Vault Privy Use. Vault privies may be used for a specified period of time at a specific location as prescribed by the Health Department on a case by case basis.
      (1)   Building; vents and door. A building must be used which may be on skids for movability, so constructed as to be fly tight and rodent proof, with vents near the ceiling covered with sixteen mesh copper wire screen, or equivalent, and with a self-closing, fly tight door.
      (2)   Seat box, hole and vent. The seat and seat box shall be constructed to be easily cleanable and to cover completely the opening of a corrosion-resistant, waterproof, tank of sufficient capacity. The tank shall have an opening directly under the seat hole. Where necessary, an approved sleeve shall be provided between the seat and the tank. The tank shall be vented through the roof with a sixteen mesh screen or other approved covering.
      (3)   Maintenance. The tank shall be cleaned out at least once weekly or more often as necessary to prevent the contents from filling the tank above two-thirds of its capacity. Cleaning of the tank shall be done by a licensed septic tank cleaner with approved equipment as required in Section 1066.04 (b). Daily washing of the toilet seat and the inside of the building shall be required. Toilet tissue and hand sanitizer shall be provided at all times. The privy shall be maintained in such a way that it will not endanger the public health or create a nuisance.
(Ord. 94-05. Passed 2-16-94; Ord. 17-03. Passed 1-19-17.)