   (a)   An operator who receives notification of a proposed excavation pursuant to Section 1024.08(a) and who has received, if applicable, verification of site grading pursuant to Section 1024.09(a), shall provide clearance for excavation to the contractor before such excavation may commence by:
      (1)   At least one hour prior to the commencement of the proposed excavation, horizontally locating its utility lines at the site, and notifying the contractor that this marking has been accomplished; or
      (2)   Notifying the contractor that the proposed excavation will not affect its existing utility lines. (Ord. 91-04. Passed 3-5-91.)
   (b)   Horizontal location of utility lines at the site of excavation shall consist of a permanent marking system approved by the Office of Pipeline Safety of the U.S. Department of Transportation, or the State Corporation Commission of Virginia, or a temporary marking system approved by the Director of Building and Development, clearly and definitely indicating the horizontal location of the operator's facilities.
(Ord. 91-23. Passed 9-17-91.)
   (c)   In order to expedite horizontal location of utility lines, each operator shall:
      (1)   Provide locating services to mark all facilities affected by the excavation;
      (2)   Provide to designing engineers horizontal location data on its utility lines prior to field survey for designing new work so that such information on existing utility lines may be included in survey notes;
      (3)   Have the option to allow the locating crew of another operator to horizontally locate said facilities, provided that clearance to do so has been given in writing; and
      (4)   Indicate the horizontal location of their utility lines on a site map if requested by the contractor.
   (d)   When trenches excavated for the installation of gas pipelines are backfilled, a continuous tape, or similarly effective device, shall be installed above all direct burial plastic mains, services, stubs and stub extensions. The tape shall not be less than three inches wide, brilliant in color and imprinted with words clearly defining the utility line as “GAS”. The tape shall be impregnated with metal so that locating equipment can readily pick it up. The remainder of the backfill shall be placed in a manner that equals the original condition.
   (e)   When repairs are made to underground gas pipelines, and/or the tape and related requirements as provided in subsection (d) hereof have been disrupted and severed during excavation, such tape shall be installed or replaced at the completion of repairs prior to backfilling.
   (f)   An operator who receives notification of a proposed demolition pursuant to Section 1024.08(a) shall insure clearance for demolition by:
      (1)   Disconnecting, or causing to be disconnected, as agreed upon by the operator and contractor, all of its utility lines to the structure to be demolished, as well as capping where necessary;
      (2)   Advising the contractor of the appropriate means of assuring adequate protection for its other utility lines in the vicinity which might be subject to unusual stress during demolition; and
      (3)   Notifying, or causing to be notified, the contractor that such disconnection has been accomplished or that his or her utility lines will not be affected by such demolition.
   (g)   If a utility line operator cannot mark the location of its underground lines at least one hour before the proposed excavation or demolition is scheduled to begin, the operator shall notify the contractor of the date and time when the line will be marked. This date shall not exceed three working days after the original scheduled work date. (Ord. 91-04. Passed 3-5-91.)
   (a)   Communication between the job site and the contractor's base office shall be maintained at all times through the use of a two-way radio system or some other means approved by the Department of Building and Development.
(Ord. 91-23. Passed 9-17-91.)
   (b)   When any person damages a utility line or the protective coating thereof, or accidentally exposes or severs a utility line during excavation or demolition, an emergency condition shall be deemed to exist and the operator of such utility line shall be directly notified at that time.
   (c)   When any gas or flammable liquid utility line is severed, or damaged to the extent that there is escapement of its contents, a hazardous condition shall be deemed to exist and the operator of such utility line and the Emergency Communications Center (Dial “911") of Loudoun County shall be immediately notified.
   (d)   Contractors shall display in plain sight on the instrument or control panel or the dashboard of all trucks and mechanized equipment operated by them, the current telephone number which is to be utilized to serve hazardous-condition notice as required by subsection (c) hereof.
   (e)   The telephone numbers to be utilized in serving emergency-condition notice as required in subsection (b) hereof shall be located on the approved site plan, subdivision plan or engineering plan which is to be at the site during excavation or demolition as required by Section 1024.09(c).
   (f)   It shall be unlawful to backfill around a damaged utility line, as described in subsection (b) or (c) hereof until the operator of said utility line has been notified of such incident and has repaired the damage and/or has given clearance to backfill in writing.
   (g)   During an emergency or hazardous condition, it shall be lawful to excavate, without using blasting, if notification as required in subsection (b) or (c) hereof is given as soon as reasonably possible.
(Ord. 91-04. Passed 3-5-91.)
   (a)   All operators shall make available on a twenty-four hour basis adequate emergency response crew(s), including answering personnel, radio dispatchers, appliance servicemen and utility repair crews capable of performing all work tasks necessary to cope with emergency or hazardous situations. The number of emergency work crews shall be determined by the operator based upon reasonable response time (one hour estimated time or arrival to the emergency scene during other than work hours) and the number and frequency of experiences recorded.
   (b)   All reports of hazardous and/or emergency conditions received by operators shall be reported immediately to the Emergency Communications Center (Dial “911") of Loudoun County and all reports of hazardous conditions received by the Emergency Communications Center, Department of Fire, Rescue and Emergency Services of Loudoun County, shall be reported immediately to the appropriate operator.
   (c)   Emergency shut-off valves shall be provided for all new gas service installations such that:
      (1)   All gas services supplying inside meters shall be equipped with an outside shut- off at the curb or property line. Access shall be through a stop-cock box, the top of which is flush with the surrounding grade.
      (2)   Steel or copper services to outside meters shall be equipped with an outside shut-off as provided in paragraph (c)(1) hereof and an above ground shut-off at the meter.
      (3)   Plastic services to outside meters shall be equipped with an outside shut-off at the meter.
   (d)   The decision to shut off a utility line during a hazardous condition shall be jointly made by the Incident Commander, Loudoun County Department of Fire, Rescue and Emergency Services and an authorized representative for the utility company concerned. If time and circumstances require, the decision may be made by either the Incident Commander or the authorized utility representative with immediate notification provided to the other and to the Emergency Communication Center, Loudoun County Department of Fire, Rescue and Emergency Services.
   (e)   Utility services interrupted under hazardous conditions, as referenced in subsection (d) hereof, may be restored by the authorized utility company representative only after investigation and verification of safety by the Loudoun County Department of Fire, Rescue and Emergency Services.
(Ord. 91-04. Passed 3-5-91.)
1024.99   PENALTY.
   (a)   Any person who violates any provision of this chapter, by doing a prohibited act, failing to perform a required act, or failing to perform permitted acts in the prescribed manner, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction, be punishable by imprisonment not to exceed thirty days or by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000), or both. Each day a violation of this chapter shall continue shall constitute a separate offense.
   (b)   If, during excavation or demolition, an underground utility line is damaged by any person who has failed to comply with any provision of this chapter, any permit(s) acquired through the County of Loudoun to perform work related to said excavation or demolition (including permits for building, grading, blasting, plumbing, electrical and/or mechanical work) may be revoked and any fees paid to the County for said permit(s) may be forfeited. In order to continue work, a new application for permit(s), if revoked, must be filed; plans of the proposed excavation or demolition must be re-examined; the located of all existing utility lines must be verified in writing by each operator having facilities in the area of proposed excavation or demolition; and new fees, if forfeited, must be paid.
   (c)   Any person who is convicted two or more times within a twelve-month period of violating any provision of this chapter which resulted in damage to any existing utility line, shall be subject to suspension or revocation of any license(s) or permit(s) issued by the County of Loudoun to perform related work for a period not to exceed twelve-months. Furthermore, no subsequent permits or licenses to perform said related work shall be issued to such convicted persons during that suspension or revocation period.
   (d)   The operator of a utility line shall notify the County of Loudoun of any action by a contractor that is deemed to be a violation of this chapter and that may result in a hazardous condition. Upon such notification, a representative of the County shall promptly inspect the work site and, if deemed necessary, require the contractor to stop work until compliance with this chapter is verified by the County or operator of the line. (Ord. 91-04. Passed 3-5-91.)