Pursuant to Virginia Code § 58.1-1747, every retail establishment that collects the tax imposed under this chapter shall be allowed to retain a portion of the tax collected on each disposable plastic bag.
   (1)   For the period beginning July 1, 2022, and ending January 1, 2023, every retail establishment that collects the tax imposed by this chapter shall be allowed to retain two cents ($0.02) from the tax collected on each disposable plastic bag, and
   (2)   Beginning January 1, 2023, and continuing thereafter, every retail establishment that collects the tax imposed by this chapter shall be allowed to retain one cent ($0.01) from the tax collected on each disposable plastic bag.
   Any retail establishment that retains a discount pursuant to this section shall account for such discount in the form of a deduction when submitting its tax return and paying the amount due in a timely manner.
(Ord. 22-03. Passed 1-18-22.)