(a) System Chief Position Established. The position of System Chief is hereby established, and shall possess operational authority pursuant to Va. Code Title 27.
(1) The System Chief shall be selected by the County Administrator.
(2) The System Chief shall report directly to the County Administrator.
(3) The System Chief shall serve as the head of the LC-CFRS and the chief executive of the LC-CFRS governance structure as defined under this section.
(4) The System Chief shall supervise and manage the duties and responsibilities of the career personnel of LCFR as defined in his/her performance plan in accordance with applicable policies set forth in the Loudoun County Human Resources Handbook.
(5) The System Chief shall have the authority, duties and responsibilities as established by this chapter with respect to the LC-CFRS in the following areas:
A. Full scope of fire prevention, fire suppression, hazardous materials, emergency medical services, emergency management and other related public safety operational and management functions as provided to the County and its incorporated towns.
B. Formulation, administration and enforcement of the rules, regulations, policies and SWPs as established by the LC-CFRS governance structure including, but not limited to, disciplinary actions pertaining to service in the system.
C. Executive management and administration of the LC-CFRS governance structure including working in conjunction with the Executive Committee and any other LC-CFRS committees, subcommittees and ad-hoc committees as necessary and as established under Section 258.04
or newly-created outside of this chapter.
D. Serve as the highest appeal hearing officer for LC-CFRS disciplinary cases as set forth in Section 258.07
and any relevant LC-CFRS SWPs which includes veto authority.
E. Carry out other duties and responsibilities as assigned by the County Administrator with regard to the provision of fire-rescue services, and emergency management.
F. This position shall have the ability to establish, implement, veto and enforce LC-CFRS SWPs at his/her discretion.
(b) Executive Committee Established.
(1) The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the following seven (7) voting members appointed and/or elected on an annual basis:
A. Chairperson of the AOC as annually elected by a quorum of said committee;
B. Chairperson of the FOC as annually elected by a quorum of said committee;
C. Chairperson of the EMSOC as annually elected by a quorum of said committee;
D. The Operational Medical Director;
E. The LCFR assistant chief of Support Services and Volunteer Administration, or other career employee designee as annually appointed by the System Chief who serves as chairperson of the Executive Committee;
F. The LCFR assistant chief of operations, or other designee as annually appointed by the System Chief;
G. The LCFR deputy chief of the Fire Marshal's Office, or other designee as annually appointed by the System Chief.
(2) The Executive Committee shall provide advice and counsel to the System Chief with regard to policies, procedures, strategic planning, finances, audits, training requirements and LC-CFRS-wide discipline of volunteer members and any other duties as assigned by the System Chief.
(3) The Executive Committee serves as the highest level legislative policy making body for the LC-CFRS and is responsible for System-wide proposed guidelines for recommendation to the System Chief.
(4) The Executive Committee shall provide direction and receive input from the Operations Committees, subcommittees and ad hoc committees and others.
(5) The Executive Committee shall not have involvement in the rules, regulations, or policies of individual volunteer companies, LCFR, or county government unless these directly conflict with the LC-CFRS mission, goals and objectives as defined by the LC- CFRS governance structure.
(c) Administrative Operations Committee Established. The AOC shall serve as a standing committee under the Executive Committee and the System Chief.
(1) The AOC shall be comprised of the duly elected president or chairperson of the board of Directors for each volunteer company and one (1) member of the career staff appointed by the System Chief.
(2) The AOC shall be responsible for electing a chairperson annually who will also serve on the LC-CFRS Executive Committee.
(3) The AOC shall be responsible for providing advice, counsel and recommendations to the Executive Committee and/or the System Chief on matters pertaining to LC-CFRS SWPs which include but are not limited to the following: administration guidelines, policies, procedures, fiscal matters, recruitment and retention of volunteers and objectives of the volunteer companies, and other matters as may be deemed appropriate by the Executive Committee and the System Chief.
(4) The AOC shall appoint a System Compliance Subcommittee.
(d) System Compliance Subcommittee (“SCS”) Established. There is a standing subcommittee formed by the AOC which is created to address LC-CFRS disciplinary matters involving participation in the system by volunteer and career members of the LC-CFRS.
(1) The size and composition of the SCS shall be determined by the AOC in consultation with the Executive Committee and the System Chief.
(2) Members of the Executive Committee and the System Chief may not serve as members of the SCS.
(3) The SCS will provide advice and counsel and provide recommendations to the Executive Committee and the System Chief on LC-CFRS-wide disciplinary policies and serious misconduct based upon the LC-CFRS Code of Conduct as referenced in Section 258.07
(4) The SCS shall be responsible for the timely hearing of all LC-CFRS-wide disciplinary action appeals by LC-CFR members including those of volunteer companies and LCFR and will be responsible for reporting their decisions to the Executive Committee and the System Chief respectively.
(e) EMS Operations Committee Established. The EMSOC shall serve as a standing committee under the Executive Committee and the System Chief.
(1) The EMSOC shall be comprised of the highest ranking qualified operational EMS officer in each EMS volunteer company, and one (1) member of the career staff appointed by the System Chief.
(2) In order to participate on the EMSOC, a member must be from an EMS transport company duly licensed by the Commonwealth of Virginia for the provision of EMS, and the EMS transport company must hold a valid EMS license from the Virginia Office of EMS.
(3) The EMSOC shall provide advice, counsel and recommendations to the Executive Committee and/or the System Chief and OMD on LC-CFRS matters pertaining to EMS and EMS rescue, as well as objectives of the volunteer companies and other matters as deemed appropriate by the Executive Committee and the System Chief.
(4) The EMSOC shall be responsible for oversight of the EMS Council, Incorporated, Advanced Life Support (ALS) Committee, Basic Life Support Committee (BLS), or any other subcommittees and/or ad hoc committees created by the EMSOC for the purpose of assisting them with their objectives. The EMS Council, Incorporated reports to the EMSOC as part of the governance structure.
(5) The EMS Council, Incorporated will serve in an advisory and subordinate role to the System Chief, the Executive Committee, EMSOC and the OMD.
(f) Fire Operations Committee (“FOC”) Established. The FOC shall serve as a standing committee under the Executive Committee and the System Chief.
(1) The FOC shall be comprised of one (1) operationally qualified fire chief from each volunteer company and one (1) member of the career staff appointed by the System Chief.
(2) The FOC shall provide advice, counsel and recommendations to the Executive Committee and/or the System Chief on LC-CFRS matters pertaining to fire prevention and suppression and fire related rescue, as well as objectives of the volunteer companies and among others as deemed appropriate by the Executive Committee and the System Chief;
(3) The FOC shall have oversight of any subcommittee and/or ad hoc committee it may create to assist with their duties and responsibilities.
(Ord. 14-05. Passed 4-16-14; Ord, 14-12. Passed 7-2-14; Ord. 20-08. Passed 4-15-20.)