(EDITOR'S NOTE: Section 1410.05 was repealed by Ordinance 03-06, passed July 7, 2003.)
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Section 1410.06 was repealed by Ordinance 03-06, passed July 7, 2003.)
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Section 1410.07 was repealed by Ordinance 03-06, passed July 7, 2003.)
(a) Generally. The Department of Building and Development through the "Building Official" is hereby designated the local building department for the purposes of enforcement of the "New Construction Code," and the unsafe structures provisions of the "Property Maintenance Code" of the Uniform Statewide Building Code. The Department of Building and Development through the "Building Maintenance Official" is hereby further designated as the enforcing agency with respect to those portions of the "Property Maintenance Code," of the Uniform Statewide Building Code, which are identified and adopted in this chapter, unless enforcement is expressly assigned to another agency.
(b) Administration. The Building Official and the Building Maintenance Official shall establish such procedures or requirements with regards to their respective sections of the Code as may be necessary for the administration and enforcement of this chapter.
(Ord. 87-09. Passed 7-20-87; Ord. 91-23. Passed 9-17-91; Ord. 03-06. Passed 7-8-03; Ord. 04-18. Passed 9-7-04.)
(a) All permits issued under this chapter requiring the payment of a fee, shall be issued by the Building Official or his designated agent.
(b) A schedule of fees shall apply to permits issued under this chapter and plan reviews, which shall include fees allowed under the Virginia Code. This schedule will be published and updated, as needed, by the Department of Building and Development, and is set forth in Appendix A
of this chapter.
(c) For new buildings and commercial additions, the fee shall be based on the Building Valuation Data Report as published in the Building Official and Code Administrator Magazine, to be updated July 1 of each year to conform to the latest published Building Valuation Data Report. Type R4 fees shall be the same as R3. This fee includes all associated trade permit fees. For all other permits under this chapter, fees shall be established and amended from time to time by the Board of Supervisors.
(d) Notwithstanding the provisions of this chapter, the Loudoun County Government, Loudoun County Public Schools, the incorporated Towns within Loudoun County, Loudoun County Sanitation Authority, and the Fire and Rescue Companies serving Loudoun County shall be exempt from fees collected pursuant to this chapter.
(Ord. 03-06. Passed 7-8-03; Ord. 22-07. Passed 7-14-21.)
The County Board of Building Code Appeals is hereby designated as the board to hear appeals arising from the enforcement of the "New Construction Code," and those portions of the "Property Maintenance Code" of the Uniform Statewide Building Code, that the Department of Building and Development is responsible for regulation and enforcement pursuant to this chapter. No appeal to the State Building Code Technical Review Board shall lie prior to a final determination by the County Board of Building Code Appeals.
(Ord. 87-09. Passed 7-20-87; Ord. 03-06. Passed 7-8-03; Ord. 04-18. Passed 9-7-04.)