820.01 Compliance required.
820.02 Scope.
820.03 Standards.
820.99 Penalty.
Trailer parks and ports - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 3733
House trailer defined - see Ohio R.C. 4501.01(I)
State license plate fee - see Ohio R.C. 4503.04(C)
Tax levy on house trailers - see Ohio R.C. 4503.06 et seq.
House trailers and mobile homes - see B. & H. Ch. 1430
(a) A mobile home park, for the purpose of this chapter, consists of three or more house trailers and/or mobile homes and/or similar types of vehicles or structures.
(b) Notwithstanding Section 820.03, nothing contained in this chapter shall in any way affect any mobile home park existing at the time of the enactment of this chapter.
(Ord. 1153. Passed 9-8-70.)
All mobile home parks constructed in the Village shall conform to the provisions of that document entitled “Mobile Home Park Sanitation,” promulgated by the Ohio Department of Health, except that:
(a) The maximum density of mobile home parks shall be no more than seven units per acre.
(b) All streets of any mobile home park shall be paved and have curbing, gutters and sidewalks.
(c) Street lights and underground wiring shall be installed for all mobile home parks. (Ord. 1153. Passed 9-8-70.)