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Chapter 1A City of Los Angeles Zoning Code
Table of Amending Legislation for Chapter 1A
   A.   Definition, Purpose and Objectives. See Div. 13B.4. (Specific Plan Implementation) and Sec. 13B.1.2 (Specific Plan Adoption/Amendment) of Chapter 1A of this Code.
   B.   Relationship To Provisions of Specific Plans. See Div. 13B.4. (Specific Plan Implementation) of Chapter 1A of this Code.
   C.   Project Compliance Review. See Div. 13B.4. (Specific Plan Implementation) of Chapter 1A of this Code.
   D.   Modification of a Project Permit Compliance – Director of Planning With Appeals to the Area Planning Commission. See Div. 13B.4. (Specific Plan Implementation) of Chapter 1A of this Code.
   E.   Project Adjustments. See Div. 13B.4. (Specific Plan Implementation) of Chapter 1A of this Code.
   Project Adjustments shall be limited to:
   1.   Adjustments permitting project height to exceed the designated height limitation on the property involved by less than ten percent;
   2.   When the calculation of the maximum number of permitted multiple-family dwelling units results in a fraction, the number of total dwelling units may be rounded up to the next whole number, if the lot area remaining after calculating the maximum number of permitted dwelling units is at least 90 percent of the lot area required by the specific plan regulation to permit one additional dwelling unit;
   3.   Adjustments permitting portions of buildings to extend into a required yard, setback or other open space a distance of less than 20 percent of the minimum width or depth of the required yard, setback or open space;
   4.   Adjustments to minimum landscaped area requirements of less than 20 percent, or minor adjustments to required types of landscape materials;
   5.   Adjustments to permitted signs that:
   (a)   exceed the maximum sign size (area) limitation by less than 20 percent;
   (b)   exceed the limit on the maximum number of signs by no more than 20 percent; or
   (c)   exceed the maximum sign height by no more than 2 feet;
   6.   Adjustments from the minimum or maximum number of required parking spaces associated with a project of less than 10 percent; and
   7.   Minor adjustments from other specific plan development regulations, which do not substantially alter the execution or intent of those specific plan regulations to the proposed project, and which do not change the permitted use, floor area, density or intensity, height or bulk, setbacks or yards, lot coverage limitations, or parking standards regulated by the specific plan.
   F.   Project Exception. In addition to the applicability provisions of Sec. 13B.4.5.A.2. (Specific Plan Implementation; Project Exception; Applicability; Project Exception Relationship to Other Entitlements) of Chapter 1A of this Code, the following describes when Project Exceptions are needed:
   1.   Exception for Wireless Telecommunications Facilities. Notwithstanding the provisions of the first unnumbered paragraph of this subdivision, the installation of wireless antennas and associated equipment cabinets on the rooftops of buildings in the C and M Zones when established in conformance with the standards contained in Section 12.21 A.21. do not need a Project Exception, except that rooftop antennas located within a scenic parkway specific plan, scenic corridor specific plan, or a roadway designated as a scenic highway within a specific plan area shall be subject to a Project Exception. Any application involving the use, height, installation or maintenance of wireless telecommunication facilities that do not comply with the provisions of Section 12.21 A.21. and which are located within specific plan areas shall be filed pursuant to Section 12.24 W.49. of this Code and considered by the Zoning Administrator as the initial decision-maker, except that applications located within a scenic parkway specific plan, scenic corridor specific plan, or a roadway designated as a scenic highway within a specific plan area shall be subject to a Project Exception.
   2.   Eldercare Facilities. An applicant who files an application involving Eldercare Facilities seeking relief from specific plan regulations need not apply for a Project Exception pursuant to Subsection F. of this section but need only apply for and receive an approval pursuant to Section 14.3.1 of this Code.
   G.   Amendments to Specific Plans. See Sec. 13B.1.2 (Specific Plan Adoption/Amendment) of Chapter 1A of this Code.
   H.   Interpretations of Specific Plans. See Div. 13B.4. (Specific Plan Implementation) of Chapter 1A of this Code.