(Added by Ord. No. 182,610, Eff. 8/2/13.)
11.2.01 Purpose and Intent.
11.2.02 Definitions.
11.2.03 Issuance of Administrative Citation.
11.2.04 Administrative Fines.
11.2.05 Service Procedures.
11.2.06 Contents of Administrative Citation.
11.2.07 Satisfaction of the Administrative Citation.
11.2.08 Appeal of the Administrative Citation.
11.2.09 Administrative Hearing.
11.2.10 Right to Judicial Review.
11.2.11 Failure to Pay Administrative Fines and Costs.
11.2.12 Deposit of Monies Collected.
11.2.13 Severability.
(a) The City Council of the City of Los Angeles finds that there is a need for an alternative method of enforcement for violations of this Code, applicable statutory provisions, ordinances, uniform codes adopted by the City, orders issued by a commission, board, hearing officer, or other body authorized to issue orders, and any conditions or requirements imposed on or by any entitlement, permit, or environmental document issued or approved by the City.
(b) The City Council finds and determines that an administrative citation program (the Program) is an effective alternative method of enforcement for these violations.
(c) The primary purpose and intent of the City Council, through the adoption of this Article, is to create an alternative method of problem resolution and enforcement that:
1. Fosters timely compliance with the law in order to protect public health, safety and welfare;
2. Provides for the fair, efficient and effective administration of justice;
3. Provides an administrative process that openly and fairly allows for the appeal and review of Administrative Citations and fines imposed;
4. Minimizes the delay and expense of Code enforcement through the only currently available options of criminal prosecution and civil litigation; and
5. Deters the use of dilatory and frivolous challenges to Administrative Violations and facilitate the prompt collection of fines.
(d) The procedures established in this Article shall be an alternative to criminal, civil and any other legal enforcement remedies provided in this Code. Issuance of an Administrative Citation shall not be deemed a waiver of any other enforcement remedies provided in this Code. The selection of issuing an Administrative Citation or another enforcement remedy provided in this Code lies within the sole discretion of the Issuing Department and, as applicable, by the City Attorney, and shall be consistent with the purpose and intent of this Article. (Amended by Ord. No. 184,766, Eff. 3/27/17.)
(e) It is the intent of the City Council that this Administrative Citation Enforcement Program be implemented as a pilot program and in a phased manner. Accordingly, the City Attorney is requested to work with the various departments of the City that have responsibility for enforcing Code provisions and addressing Code violations and are authorized to participate in the Program to implement the Program in the most effective manner to address quality of life issues and to provide training and other preparation in the issuance of Administrative Citations and the process of enforcing them. The phased implementation of the Program shall begin with the Police Department and the Animal Services Department, and the Program may thereafter be implemented one department at a time with the Housing Department and Building and Safety Department being next in order. Prior to proposing the implementation of the Program in the latter two departments, the City Attorney will report to the City Council regarding the implementation of the Program in the Police Department and the Animal Services Department, the experience with and results of the Program, and any recommendations for modifying the Program, and a list of the primary Code sections that will be enforced through the Program by each department. The Housing Department, Building and Safety Department, and other City Departments may be added to the Program with the prior approval of the City Council. The City Attorney will report quarterly to the Council on the implementation of the Program, the experience with and results of the Program, and any recommendations for modifying the Program, and, for information purposes only, a list of the primary Code sections that will be enforced through the Program by each department. Prior to the end of the third year after implementation of the Program, the City Administrative Officer (CAO) shall report to the City Council on the implementation and progress of the Program, and thereafter the Council will determine whether to continue or end the Program.