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   (Added by Ord. No. 187,096, Eff. 7/1/21.)
   A.   The provisions of this section may be invoked upon the adoption of a City Council resolution following the Mayor’s declaration of emergency pursuant to local and state law, and upon the filing of an application on a form provided by the Department of City Planning and the payment of a fee, provided the resolution does not conflict with any Mayoral orders issued in relation to the declared emergency. The provisions of this section do not supersede state law or the Mayor's authority under the Charter and Los Angeles Administrative Code.
   B.   Effective Dates. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this article to the contrary, the provisions of this section shall automatically terminate 12 months after the expiration or termination date of the relevant emergency declaration, or upon City Council’s action by resolution to terminate the provisions of this section earlier than that date. However, the City Council may, by resolution, extend the provisions of this section for up to an additional 24 months, thereby allowing the provisions to apply for a total of 36 months after the termination or expiration of the local emergency order. The City Council retains the discretion to terminate these provisions by resolution at any time after the expiration or termination of the local emergency order.
   C.   Time Limit Extension.
   1.   Extension of Time Limitations. Notwithstanding the expiration periods set forth in Section 12.25 of this Code, the expiration of a conditional use or other quasi-judicial approval(s) that was either approved or valid during the application of these provisions, shall be calculated by adding the term of the local emergency, plus up to an additional 12 months when the criteria in Section 16.02.1 D.3. of this Code are met, to the term prescribed in Section 12.25 A.1. This extension does not confer a vested right, unless a Vesting Conditional Use was applied for and granted pursuant to Section 12.24 T.
   (a)   Multiple Approvals. Notwithstanding the expiration periods defined in Sections 12.36 of this Code, if an eligible conditional use or other quasi-judicial approval is part of a project that has multiple approvals and is subject to the expiration period set forth in Section 12.36 of this Code, then the expiration period set forth in Sec. 13A.2.7.A.2. is extended by a term equivalent to the time period of the local emergency, plus up to an additional 12 months from the expiration of the local emergency for all approvals concurrently granted.
   (b)   Exception. The uses listed in Section 16.02.1 D.3.(a) shall not be granted an extension, regardless of whether said use was approved concurrently with an eligible approval.
   2.   Extension of Term-Limited Grants. Notwithstanding any condition of approval that specifies an expiration date or term limit for a conditional use or other quasi-judicial approval(s), where the expiration date occurs during the local emergency that expiration date is automatically extended for the term of the local emergency, plus up to an additional 12 months when the criteria in Section 16.02.1 D.3. are met.
   (a)   Multiple Approvals. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code to the contrary, if an eligible conditional use or other quasi- judicial approval is part of a project that has multiple approvals and any of the approvals include a condition with a separate expiration date or term limit, said expiration date shall be extended concurrently with the eligible approval.
   (b)   Exception. The uses listed in Section 16.02.1 D.3.(a) shall not be granted an extension regardless of whether said use was approved concurrently with an eligible approval.
   3.   Eligibility.
   (a)   Only a conditional use or quasi-judicial approval listed in Section 12.24 is eligible for the time extension.
   Exception. No conditional use or other quasi-judicial approval related to fossil fuel extraction, fossil fuel production, fossil fuel storage, or hazardous waste facilities is eligible for the time extension within this section. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:
   Section 12.24 U.10. Hazardous waste facilities in M2 and M3 zones.
   Section 12.24 U.11. Hazardous waste facilities in M3 zones.
   Section 12.24 U.17. Natural resources development.
   Section 12.24 U.18. Onshore installations required in connection with the drilling for or production of oil, gas or hydrocarbons, under specified conditions.
   Section 12.24 U.29. Petroleum-Based Oil Refineries.
   Section 12.24 W.47. Temporary geological exploratory core holes in all zones except the M3 Zone, under specified conditions.
   (b)   Revocation. Businesses or properties that are or have been the subject of revocation proceedings that resulted in corrective conditions or revocation are not eligible for a time extension.
   (c)   Application. In order to benefit from the relief provided by these provisions, an application to verify eligibility shall be filed and a fee paid, in accordance with procedures set forth by the Department of City Planning.
   (d)   Original Approval. The Director or designee shall verify that the prior discretionary approval and existing environmental documentation under the California Environmental Quality Act is adequate for the issuance of the extension.
   (e)   Notification. The applicant shall notify, in accordance with the procedures set forth by the Department of City Planning, the Los Angeles Police Department, the Department of Building and Safety, and the City Councilmember whose district includes any portion of the property as part of the application process for the extension of the time limits.
   D.   Automobile Parking Relief.
   1.   Changes of Use. Notwithstanding Section 12.21 A.4., 12.23 B.8.(b), or any other Code section, ordinance, or specific plan to the contrary, when plans are submitted and accepted by the Department of Building and Safety for a change of use during an emergency declaration and after the adoption of a resolution by City Council invoking the provisions of this section, the change of use shall not trigger increased automobile parking beyond that required by the existing approved use if all the following requirements are met:
   (a)   Requirements.
   (1)   The change of use is limited to a nonresidential use allowable pursuant to the zoning applicable to the property’s location.
   (2)   The building wherein the change of use is occurring has one of the following: a valid certificate of occupancy; temporary certificate of occupancy; or a building permit if the building predates the certificate of occupancy requirement. The aforementioned documents must have been issued prior to the declaration of the local emergency related to the City Council’s resolution invoking this section.
   (3)   The automobile parking relief only applies to the first 5,000 square feet of Floor Area for any tenant space. Any Floor Area in excess of 5,000 square feet for said tenant space shall conform to the automobile parking requirements in LAMC Section 12.21 A.4., Section 12.23 B.8.(b), and any applicable Specific Plan, inclusive of any aggregate Floor Area, including Floor Area sectioned from a separate tenant space that may have been previously eligible or approved for the automobile parking reduction enumerated within this subdivision.
   (4)   Any additions to the building occurring during the invocation of this section by City Council resolution, and which result in an increase of Floor Area are limited to the area within the existing walls and existing roofline of the building, and do not include any outdoor space.
   (5)   No net loss of guest rooms and/or dwelling units result from the change of use.
   (b)   Consistency. The relief provided in this subdivision is limited to the provisions enumerated herein, and any project for which relief is sought shall otherwise be consistent with this Code and the General Plan.
   2.   Outdoor Dining Areas. (Amended by Ord. No. 188,073, Eff. 1/31/24.) Notwithstanding any provisions of this Code or any Zoning Administrator interpretations of this Code to the contrary, any new or expanded Outdoor Dining Areas shall not require any automobile parking, and the maintenance of existing automobile parking shall not be required for any portion of the parking lot utilized for an approved Outdoor Dining Area during the period that these provisions are invoked, pursuant to this section, if the following requirements are met:
   (a)   Eligibility. Only permitted establishments with verifiable indoor seating for on-premises dining are eligible for the relief provided within this subdivision.
   (b)   Consistency. The relief provided in this subdivision is limited to the automobile parking provisions enumerated herein, and the project shall otherwise be consistent with this Code and the General Plan.
   (c)   Termination. Whenever the provisions of this section cease to apply, the automobile parking requirements that existed prior to the declaration of the local emergency shall be met, and any Outdoor Dining Areas shall comply with this Code and any applicable Specific Plan, notwithstanding this Section.
   3.   Conditions of Approval. Notwithstanding any provisions of this Code, ordinance, or Specific Plan to the contrary, any condition of approval that requires valet automobile parking or off-site automobile parking is suspended and shall not be enforced during the period when these provisions are invoked, if all the following requirements are met:
   (a)   Eligibility. Only the following grants are eligible for relief, and only if they were approved or active during the period that these provisions are invoked.
   Section 11.5.7 E. Project Permit Adjustments.
   Section 11.5.7 F. Exceptions from Specific Plans.
   Section 12.24 Conditional Use Permits and Other Similar Quasi-Judicial Approvals. Inclusive of the entire Section.
   Section 12.27 Variances.
   Section 12.28 Adjustments and Slight Modifications.
   Section 12.32 Land Use Legislative Actions.
   (b)   Existing Covenant. The suspension of enforcement activity as a result of the invocation of the provisions of this section shall not be construed to terminate or void any recorded covenant documenting valet or off-site parking requirements.
   (c)   Termination. Whenever the provisions of this section cease to apply, all conditions of approval and associated covenants shall be enforced and, if the conditions were never met, the applicant shall provide verification to the Department of City Planning, in accordance with procedures set forth by the Department of City Planning, within 90 days of the termination of the provisions of this section.