1. An Affordable Housing Plan shall be submitted as part of the application for First Approval of any Hotel Development Project. No application for a First Approval for a Hotel Development Project may be deemed complete unless an Affordable Housing Plan is submitted in conformance with the provisions of this section.
2. The Affordable Housing Plan shall either contain the Applicant’s certification, under penalty of perjury, that no Converted or Demolished Residential Dwelling Units meeting the standards set forth in Subsection 1. of Section 51.38 of this Code exist on site, or specify all of the following information:
a. How the replacement housing requirement in Subsection 1. of Section 51.38 of this Code will be satisfied;
b. The number, unit type, number of bedrooms and baths, approximate location, size and design, construction and completion schedule of all Replacement Units, and whether such Replacement Units will be For-Sale or Rental;
c. A marketing plan, including the manner in which Replacement Units will be offered to the public in a nondiscriminatory and equitable manner and consistent with the priorities set forth in Section 51.39 of this Code;
d. Specific methods to be used to verify tenant and purchaser incomes, when applicable, and to maintain the affordability of the Replacement Units;
e. Any other information that is reasonably necessary to evaluate the compliance of the Affordable Housing Plan with the requirements of this section and any implementing regulations.
3. The Affordable Housing Plan shall be reviewed by the Los Angeles Housing Department as part of the Approval of any Hotel Development Project. The Affordable Housing Plan shall be approved if it conforms to the provisions of this section and any implementing regulations. A condition shall be attached to the First Approval of any Hotel Development Project to require recordation of any Replacement Housing Agreement required by Subsection 4. of Section 51.45 of this Code prior to the approval of any final or parcel map or Building Permit for the Hotel Development Project. The Housing Department’s acceptance or denial of an Affordable Housing Plan shall be appealable to the City Council by the Applicant or by any Person aggrieved by the decision of the Housing Department.
4. Following the First Approval of a Hotel Development Project, for any Hotel Development Project required by this section to replace on-site Converted or Demolished Residential Dwelling Units meeting the standards set forth in Subsection 1. of Section 51.38 of this Code, the Los Angeles Housing Department shall prepare a Replacement Housing Agreement providing for the implementation of the Affordable Housing Plan and consistent with this section and any implementing regulations. Prior to the approval of any final or parcel map or issuance of any Building Permit for a Hotel Development Project subject to this section, the Replacement Housing Agreement shall be executed by the General Manager of the Los Angeles Housing Department and the Applicant and recorded against the entire Hotel Development Project property and any other property used for the purposes of providing Replacement Units pursuant to this section to ensure that the agreement will be enforceable upon any successor in interest. The Replacement Housing Agreement shall not be amended without the prior written consent of the Los Angeles Housing Department.