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   (Amended by Ord. No. 173,268, Eff. 7/1/00, Oper. 7/1/00.)
   It is the purpose and objective of this Article to establish reasonable and uniform regulations to protect the public welfare and to provide a streamlined method for consideration of applications for temporary use approvals and other land use approvals in an emergency, such as fire, storm, severe earthquake, civil disturbance, or other disaster declared by the Governor.
   (Amended by Ord. No. 173,268, Eff. 7/1/00, Oper. 7/1/00.)
   A.   Authority of the Zoning Administrator. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code to the contrary, the Zoning Administrator shall have the authority to approve the use of a lot in any zone for the temporary use of property which will aid in the immediate restoration of an area adversely impacted by a severe fire, storm, earthquake, similar natural disaster, or a civil or military disturbance, and declared by the Governor as an emergency area if the Zoning Administrator finds:
   1.   That the nature and short duration of the proposed temporary use assures that the proposed use will not be materially detrimental to the character of development in the immediate neighborhood;
   2.   That the proposed use will not adversely affect the implementation of the General Plan or any applicable specific plan; and
   3.   That the proposed use will contribute in a positive fashion to the reconstruction and recovery of areas adversely impacted during the emergency.
   In making a determination pursuant to this section, the Zoning Administrator shall balance the public interest and benefit to be derived from the proposed temporary use against the degree, significance of, and temporary nature of the inconvenience to be caused in the area where the temporary use is located. The Zoning Administrator may promulgate regulations and guidelines as are necessary and proper to administer the provisions of this article.
   B.   Conditions of Approval. In approving the location of any temporary use, the Zoning Administrator may impose those conditions the Zoning Administrator deems necessary to protect the peaceful and quiet enjoyment of nearby properties. The Zoning Administrator shall also require the posting of a completion bond, or other guarantee satisfactory to the Zoning Administrator, to cover the cost of the removal of any improvements made to a site or cleaning of the site after termination of the temporary authorized use.
   Furthermore, the Zoning Administrator shall require termination of the temporary use within one year from the date of the approval of the temporary use, the removal of all temporary improvements on the site, and the restoration of the site to a permitted use within a reasonable period of time determined by the Zoning Administrator. Approval of any application for a temporary use shall not result in any vested or nonconforming rights to carry on the temporary use after the term authorized.
   The design and improvement provisions of Sections 12.21 A.5. and 6. and the yard requirements of Chapter 1 of this Code shall not apply to temporary permits for public parking in the R Zones. However, in approving permits, the Zoning Administrator may impose those conditions as the Zoning Administrator deems necessary to protect the peaceful and quiet enjoyment of the subject and nearby properties.
   C.   Revocation. The Zoning Administrator may suspend or revoke any temporary use approval, if the Administrator determines that the temporary use bears no significant relation to the reconstruction and recovery of areas adversely impacted by the emergency, or that the conditions imposed on any temporary use approval have not been complied with, or that an unreasonable level of interference with the peaceful enjoyment of neighboring properties is created by the conduct of any authorized activity.
   Prior to the revocation of a temporary use approval, the Zoning Administrator shall give written notice to the record owner or lessee to appear within five days or less (if justified by a threat to public health and safety) at a time and place fixed by the Zoning Administrator and show cause why the temporary use approval should not be revoked or why further conditions should not be imposed.
   A determination of the Zoning Administrator pursuant to this subsection may be appealed to the Area Planning Commission on a form prescribed by the Department of City Planning in accordance with the procedures described in this section.
   D.   Other Permits and Licenses. This article shall not, except as stated here, modify or affect in any way the duty of any applicant to obtain any other permit or license which may be required under any other provision of this Code or state law.
   E.   Application. An application to permit any temporary use referred to in this article shall be filed with the Department of City Planning upon forms and accompanied by data as the Department of City Planning may require.
   The application may be filed by an owner or a lessee and shall be verified by the applicant attesting to the truth and correctness of all facts and information presented with, or contained in the application and shall also be signed by the owner of record of any site where the proposed temporary use will be located.
   A copy of any application so filed shall be transmitted by the Department of City Planning to the Councilmember of the district in which the proposed use would be located and to the Department of Transportation for their information.
   F.   Notice and Hearing. Upon the filing of a verified application, the Zoning Administrator shall set the matter for public hearing. Notice of the time, place, and purpose of the hearing shall be given by mailing a written notice at least 14 days prior to the date of the hearing to the applicant, to the owner of the subject property, to adjoining and abutting property owners, and to property owners directly across the street or alley from the subject property. For this notice the following shall be used: the last known name and address of the property owners as shown upon the records of the City Engineer or the records of the County Assessor. (Amended by Ord. No. 181,595, Eff. 4/10/11.)
   An application for a temporary use shall be set for public hearing unless the Zoning Administrator makes written findings, attached to the file involved, that the requested temporary use:
   1.   will not have a significant effect on adjoining properties or on the immediate neighborhood; or
   2.   is not likely to evoke public controversy.
   G.   Time Limit. The Zoning Administrator shall make a determination within 30 days from the filing of a verified application. This time limit may be extended by mutual written consent of the applicant and Zoning Administrator.
   H.   Fee. An application for an approval pursuant to this section shall not require any filing fee.
   I.   Decisions by the Zoning Administrator. Decisions by the Zoning Administrator shall be supported by written findings of fact based upon written or oral statements and documents presented to the Zoning Administrator, which may include photographs, maps and plans, together with the results of the Zoning Administrator’s investigations. Upon making a decision, the Zoning Administrator shall forthwith mail a copy of the Zoning Administrator’s written findings and decisions to the applicant, and to the other persons who were required to be notified under Subsection F.
   J.   Decision Effective and Appeal. The decision of the Zoning Administrator shall become final after an elapsed period of ten days from the date of mailing a copy of the written findings and decision to the applicant. During this period, any person aggrieved by the decision may file a written appeal to the Area Planning Commission. The appeals shall set forth specifically the points at issue, the reasons for the appeal, and how the appellant believes there was an error or abuse of discretion by the Zoning Administrator. No fee shall be charged for this appeal.
   K.   Failure to Act. If the Zoning Administrator fails to make a decision on a temporary land use application within the time limit specified in Subsection C. of this section, then the applicant may file a request in the Office of Zoning Administration for a transfer of jurisdiction to the Area Planning Commission and for a decision by the Area Planning Commission on the original application. In that case, the Zoning Administrator shall lose jurisdiction and the Area Planning Commission shall assume jurisdiction, provided, however, that the matter may be remanded to the Zoning Administrator or the Area Planning Commission may accept the applicant’s request for withdrawal of the transfer of jurisdiction. In either case, the Zoning Administrator shall regain jurisdiction for the time and purpose specified by the Area Planning Commission.
   L.   Transfer of Jurisdiction.  (Amended by Ord. No. 173,492, Eff. 10/10/00.) When considering any matter transferred to its jurisdiction pursuant to Section 16.02 because of the failure of the Zoning Administrator to act, the Area Planning Commission shall make its decision within 30 days after the request to transfer jurisdiction is filed. All decisions shall become final on the date of mailing a copy of the Area Planning Commission’s decision to the applicant.
   M.   Record on Appeal. Within five days of receipt of the filing of an appeal, the file of the Zoning Administrator appealed from and the appeal shall be delivered to the Area Planning Commission. At any time prior to the action by the Area Planning Commission on the appeal, the Zoning Administrator may submit supplementary pertinent information the Zoning Administrator deems necessary or as may be requested by the Area Planning Commission.
   N.   Hearing Date-Notice. Upon receipt of the appeal, the Area Planning Commission shall set the matter for hearing and give notice by mail of the time, place and purpose of the hearing to the appellant, to the applicant, to the owner or owners of the property involved, to the Zoning Administrator and to any other interested party who has requested in writing to be so notified. This notice shall be in writing and mailed at least five days prior to the hearing.
   O.   Hearing Date-Continuance. Upon the date set for the hearing, the Area Planning Commission shall hear the appeal, unless, for cause, the Area Planning Commission shall on that date continue the matter. No notice of continuance need be given if the order to continue is announced at the time for which the hearing was set.
   P.   Decision. When considering an appeal from an action by the Zoning Administrator, the Area Planning Commission shall make its decision within 15 days (in the case of a revocation, within 10 days) after the expiration of the appeal period, or within an extended period of time as may be mutually agreed upon in writing by the applicant and the Area Planning Commission. The Area Planning Commission shall base its decision only upon:
   (i)   evidence introduced at the hearing, or hearings, if any, before the Zoning Administrator, on the issue;
   (ii)   the record, findings and determination of the Zoning Administrator; and
   (iii)   the consideration of arguments, if any, presented to the Area Planning Commission orally or in writing.
   If an applicant or aggrieved person wishes to offer into the proceedings any new evidence in connection with the matter, a written summary of that evidence, together with a statement as to why that evidence could not reasonably have been presented to the Zoning Administrator shall be filed with the Area Planning Commission prior to the hearing. If the Area Planning Commission fails to act on any appeal within the time limit specified in the subsection, the determination of the Zoning Administrator shall be final.
   The Area Planning Commission may modify or reverse the ruling, decision or determination appealed from only upon making findings indicating how the action of the Zoning Administrator was in error or constituted an abuse of discretion and shall make specific findings supporting any modification or reversal. The decision of the Area Planning Commission shall be final as of the date of its determination on the matter. After making a decision, a copy of the findings and determination shall forthwith be placed on file in the City Planning Department and a copy of the determination shall be furnished to the applicant, the appellant and the Department of Building and Safety.
   (Amended by Ord. No. 173,268, Eff. 7/1/00, Oper. 7/1/00.)
   Notwithstanding any provision of Articles 1 through 9 of Chapter I of this Code or any other ordinance to the contrary, with respect to those uses, buildings and sites destroyed or damaged in connection with a declared emergency, and in the area covered by the declaration of emergency, the following exceptions shall apply:
   A.   Payment of all Planning Department and Zoning Administrator fees may be deferred until the applicant seeks a certificate of occupancy or a temporary certificate of occupancy, whichever occurs first.
   B.   For applications relating to new conditional uses, other similar quasi-judicial approvals, site plan review, exceptions from specific plans, project permits pursuant to moratorium ordinances or interim control ordinances, Sections 12.23, 12.27 and 14.00 actions and any revocation or modification proceedings:
   If the law otherwise requires or authorizes a public hearing, the matter shall be set for public hearing unless the Zoning Administrator, the Area Planning Commission, the City Planning Commission, or Director of Planning, makes written findings, attached to the file involved, that the matter:
   1.   will not have a significant effect on adjoining properties or on the immediate neighborhood; or
   2.   is not likely to evoke public controversy.
   Provided, however, that no hearing shall be waived in any proceeding involving establishments dispensing alcoholic beverages for consideration, swap meets, gun shops, pawnshops and automobile repair establishments.
   When a matter is set for public hearing, written notice of the hearing shall be given to the applicant, the owner or owners of the property involved and to the owners of all property within and outside of the City within 500 feet of the property involved.
   C.   Payment of the Linkage Fee pursuant to Section 19.18 of this Code. (Added by Ord. No. 185,342, Eff. 2/17/18.)
   (Added by Ord. No. 187,096, Eff. 7/1/21.)
   A.   The provisions of this section may be invoked upon the adoption of a City Council resolution following the Mayor’s declaration of emergency pursuant to local and state law, and upon the filing of an application on a form provided by the Department of City Planning and the payment of a fee, provided the resolution does not conflict with any Mayoral orders issued in relation to the declared emergency. The provisions of this section do not supersede state law or the Mayor's authority under the Charter and Los Angeles Administrative Code.
   B.   Effective Dates. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this article to the contrary, the provisions of this section shall automatically terminate 12 months after the expiration or termination date of the relevant emergency declaration, or upon City Council’s action by resolution to terminate the provisions of this section earlier than that date. However, the City Council may, by resolution, extend the provisions of this section for up to an additional 24 months, thereby allowing the provisions to apply for a total of 36 months after the termination or expiration of the local emergency order. The City Council retains the discretion to terminate these provisions by resolution at any time after the expiration or termination of the local emergency order.
   C.   Time Limit Extension.
   1.   Extension of Time Limitations. Notwithstanding the expiration periods set forth in Section 12.25 of this Code, the expiration of a conditional use or other quasi-judicial approval(s) that was either approved or valid during the application of these provisions, shall be calculated by adding the term of the local emergency, plus up to an additional 12 months when the criteria in Section 16.02.1 D.3. of this Code are met, to the term prescribed in Section 12.25 A.1. This extension does not confer a vested right, unless a Vesting Conditional Use was applied for and granted pursuant to Section 12.24 T.
   (a)   Multiple Approvals. Notwithstanding the expiration periods defined in Sections 12.36 of this Code, if an eligible conditional use or other quasi-judicial approval is part of a project that has multiple approvals and is subject to the expiration period set forth in Section 12.36 of this Code, then the expiration period set forth in Sec. 13A.2.7.A.2. is extended by a term equivalent to the time period of the local emergency, plus up to an additional 12 months from the expiration of the local emergency for all approvals concurrently granted.
   (b)   Exception. The uses listed in Section 16.02.1 D.3.(a) shall not be granted an extension, regardless of whether said use was approved concurrently with an eligible approval.
   2.   Extension of Term-Limited Grants. Notwithstanding any condition of approval that specifies an expiration date or term limit for a conditional use or other quasi-judicial approval(s), where the expiration date occurs during the local emergency that expiration date is automatically extended for the term of the local emergency, plus up to an additional 12 months when the criteria in Section 16.02.1 D.3. are met.
   (a)   Multiple Approvals. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code to the contrary, if an eligible conditional use or other quasi- judicial approval is part of a project that has multiple approvals and any of the approvals include a condition with a separate expiration date or term limit, said expiration date shall be extended concurrently with the eligible approval.
   (b)   Exception. The uses listed in Section 16.02.1 D.3.(a) shall not be granted an extension regardless of whether said use was approved concurrently with an eligible approval.
   3.   Eligibility.
   (a)   Only a conditional use or quasi-judicial approval listed in Section 12.24 is eligible for the time extension.
   Exception. No conditional use or other quasi-judicial approval related to fossil fuel extraction, fossil fuel production, fossil fuel storage, or hazardous waste facilities is eligible for the time extension within this section. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:
   Section 12.24 U.10. Hazardous waste facilities in M2 and M3 zones.
   Section 12.24 U.11. Hazardous waste facilities in M3 zones.
   Section 12.24 U.17. Natural resources development.
   Section 12.24 U.18. Onshore installations required in connection with the drilling for or production of oil, gas or hydrocarbons, under specified conditions.
   Section 12.24 U.29. Petroleum-Based Oil Refineries.
   Section 12.24 W.47. Temporary geological exploratory core holes in all zones except the M3 Zone, under specified conditions.
   (b)   Revocation. Businesses or properties that are or have been the subject of revocation proceedings that resulted in corrective conditions or revocation are not eligible for a time extension.
   (c)   Application. In order to benefit from the relief provided by these provisions, an application to verify eligibility shall be filed and a fee paid, in accordance with procedures set forth by the Department of City Planning.
   (d)   Original Approval. The Director or designee shall verify that the prior discretionary approval and existing environmental documentation under the California Environmental Quality Act is adequate for the issuance of the extension.
   (e)   Notification. The applicant shall notify, in accordance with the procedures set forth by the Department of City Planning, the Los Angeles Police Department, the Department of Building and Safety, and the City Councilmember whose district includes any portion of the property as part of the application process for the extension of the time limits.
   D.   Automobile Parking Relief.
   1.   Changes of Use. Notwithstanding Section 12.21 A.4., 12.23 B.8.(b), or any other Code section, ordinance, or specific plan to the contrary, when plans are submitted and accepted by the Department of Building and Safety for a change of use during an emergency declaration and after the adoption of a resolution by City Council invoking the provisions of this section, the change of use shall not trigger increased automobile parking beyond that required by the existing approved use if all the following requirements are met:
   (a)   Requirements.
   (1)   The change of use is limited to a nonresidential use allowable pursuant to the zoning applicable to the property’s location.
   (2)   The building wherein the change of use is occurring has one of the following: a valid certificate of occupancy; temporary certificate of occupancy; or a building permit if the building predates the certificate of occupancy requirement. The aforementioned documents must have been issued prior to the declaration of the local emergency related to the City Council’s resolution invoking this section.
   (3)   The automobile parking relief only applies to the first 5,000 square feet of Floor Area for any tenant space. Any Floor Area in excess of 5,000 square feet for said tenant space shall conform to the automobile parking requirements in LAMC Section 12.21 A.4., Section 12.23 B.8.(b), and any applicable Specific Plan, inclusive of any aggregate Floor Area, including Floor Area sectioned from a separate tenant space that may have been previously eligible or approved for the automobile parking reduction enumerated within this subdivision.
   (4)   Any additions to the building occurring during the invocation of this section by City Council resolution, and which result in an increase of Floor Area are limited to the area within the existing walls and existing roofline of the building, and do not include any outdoor space.
   (5)   No net loss of guest rooms and/or dwelling units result from the change of use.
   (b)   Consistency. The relief provided in this subdivision is limited to the provisions enumerated herein, and any project for which relief is sought shall otherwise be consistent with this Code and the General Plan.
   2.   Outdoor Dining Areas. (Amended by Ord. No. 188,073, Eff. 1/31/24.) Notwithstanding any provisions of this Code or any Zoning Administrator interpretations of this Code to the contrary, any new or expanded Outdoor Dining Areas shall not require any automobile parking, and the maintenance of existing automobile parking shall not be required for any portion of the parking lot utilized for an approved Outdoor Dining Area during the period that these provisions are invoked, pursuant to this section, if the following requirements are met:
   (a)   Eligibility. Only permitted establishments with verifiable indoor seating for on-premises dining are eligible for the relief provided within this subdivision.
   (b)   Consistency. The relief provided in this subdivision is limited to the automobile parking provisions enumerated herein, and the project shall otherwise be consistent with this Code and the General Plan.
   (c)   Termination. Whenever the provisions of this section cease to apply, the automobile parking requirements that existed prior to the declaration of the local emergency shall be met, and any Outdoor Dining Areas shall comply with this Code and any applicable Specific Plan, notwithstanding this Section.
   3.   Conditions of Approval. Notwithstanding any provisions of this Code, ordinance, or Specific Plan to the contrary, any condition of approval that requires valet automobile parking or off-site automobile parking is suspended and shall not be enforced during the period when these provisions are invoked, if all the following requirements are met:
   (a)   Eligibility. Only the following grants are eligible for relief, and only if they were approved or active during the period that these provisions are invoked.
   Section 11.5.7 E. Project Permit Adjustments.
   Section 11.5.7 F. Exceptions from Specific Plans.
   Section 12.24 Conditional Use Permits and Other Similar Quasi-Judicial Approvals. Inclusive of the entire Section.
   Section 12.27 Variances.
   Section 12.28 Adjustments and Slight Modifications.
   Section 12.32 Land Use Legislative Actions.
   (b)   Existing Covenant. The suspension of enforcement activity as a result of the invocation of the provisions of this section shall not be construed to terminate or void any recorded covenant documenting valet or off-site parking requirements.
   (c)   Termination. Whenever the provisions of this section cease to apply, all conditions of approval and associated covenants shall be enforced and, if the conditions were never met, the applicant shall provide verification to the Department of City Planning, in accordance with procedures set forth by the Department of City Planning, within 90 days of the termination of the provisions of this section.
   (Amended by Ord. No. 173,268, Eff. 7/1/00, Oper. 7/1/00.)
   A.   Nonconforming. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this article to the contrary, a building nonconforming as to use, yards, height, number of stories, lot area, floor area, residential density, loading space, parking, off-site signs or other nonconforming provisions of the Los Angeles Municipal Code, which is damaged or destroyed as a result of the declared emergency may be repaired or reconstructed with the same nonconforming use, yards, height, number of stories, lot area, floor area, residential density, loading space, parking or off-site signs as the original building. Provided, however, that repair or reconstruction shall be commenced within two years of the date of damage or destruction and completed within two years of obtaining a permit for reconstruction. Provided, further, that neither the footing nor any portion of the replacement building may encroach into any area planned for widening or extension of existing or future streets as determined by the Planning Department upon the recommendation of the City Engineer.
   The provisions of this section shall supersede any Interim Control Ordinances, Interim Plan Revision Ordinances, Specific Plans (except for the South Central Alcohol Beverage Specific Plan, Ord. No. 171,681), Section 16.05 and the City’s hillside regulations under Section 12.21 A.17. (except for Paragraphs (d) and (e)). Notwithstanding any provision in this section to the contrary, any existing provision of law regulating the issuance of building or demolition permits for buildings or structures currently with historical or cultural designations on the federal, state and City lists shall remain in full force and effect. All Historic Preservation Overlay Zone regulations shall continue in full force and effect with respect to the demolition, repair and reconstruction of damaged or destroyed buildings or structures.
   For purposes of this subsection, a building or structure may only be demolished and rebuilt to its non-conforming status, relative to the provisions of this Code, any Interim Control Ordinances, Interim Plan Revision Ordinances, Specific Plans (except for the South Central Alcohol Beverage Specific Plan, Ord. No. 171,681) and the City’s hillside regulations under Section 12.21 A.17. (except for Paragraphs (d) and (e)), if the building or structure either is destroyed or is “damaged” in the following manner:
   1.   Any portion of the building or structure is damaged by earthquake, wind, flood, fire, or other disaster, in such a manner that the structural strength or stability of the building or structure is appreciably less than it was before the catastrophe and is less than the minimum requirements of this Code for a new building or structure of similar structure, purpose or location, as determined by the Department of Building and Safety; and
   2.   The cost of repair would exceed 50 percent of the replacement cost of the building or structure, not including the value of the foundation system, as determined by the Department of Building and Safety.
   Nothing here shall be interpreted as authorizing the continuation of a nonconforming use beyond the time limits set forth in Section 12.23 of this Code that were applicable to the site prior to the events which necessitated the declaration of the emergency.
   If issues of interpretation relating to the above provisions arise, the Zoning Administrator is hereby authorized to resolve those issues in light of the scope and purposes of this subsection.
   Notwithstanding the time periods described above or in Section 16.04.2, nonconforming properties damaged during the January 17, 1994 Northridge Earthquake shall have until January 17, 1999 to obtain building permits for repair or reconstruction; and that work shall be completed within two years of obtaining building permits. The City Council may, by resolution extend these time periods for one additional year.
   B.   Conditional Uses and Public Benefits. The following conditional uses and public benefits are considered to be of such importance and their expeditious replacement is of such value to the health and safety of the community that they are hereby granted an exemption from the plan approval process required by Subsection H. (Modification of Entitlement) of Sec. 13B.2.2. (Class 2 Conditional Use Permit) and 13B.3.3. (Class 3 Conditional Use Permit) of Chapter 1A of this Code, provided that the structures containing these uses are rebuilt as they lawfully existed prior to their destruction, with the same building footprint and height. (Amended by Ord. No. 187,712, Eff. 1/23/23, Oper. 1/22/24; Ord. No. 187,930, Eff. 7/7/23.)
   Conditional Uses and Public Benefits
   Airports or aircraft landing fields
   Correctional or penal institutions
   Educational institutions
   Libraries, museums, fire or police stations or governmental enterprises
   Piers, jetties, human-made islands, floating installations
   Public utilities and public service uses and structures
   Schools, elementary and high
   Electric power generating sites, plants or stations
   OS Open Space Zone uses
   Child care facilities or nursery schools
   Churches or houses of worship
   Hospitals or sanitariums
   If issues of interpretation or administration relating to the above exemptions arise, the Director is authorized to resolve those issues in light of the scope and purposes of this subsection. (Amended by Ord. No. 173,492, Eff. 10/10/00.)
   C.   Notwithstanding Subsections A. and B. above, the following five uses shall not be exempt from the provisions of this Code, interim control ordinances, specific plans, and interim plan revision ordinances: establishments dispensing alcoholic beverages for consideration, swap meets, gun shops, pawnshops and automobile repair establishments.
   D.   Highway and Collector Street Dedication and Improvement. For any lot identified by the City as having sustained damage during and as a result of the situation causing the declared emergency, the issuance of a building permit for a new development on that site shall not require improvement of frontage for major or secondary highway and collector street widening purposes under Section 12.37 A.
   Nothing here shall prevent a property owner from voluntarily improving the right of way and undertaking public improvements which conform to the applicable sections of this Code.
   E.   The Zoning Administrator may grant deviations of no more than ten percent from the City’s floor area, height, yard, setback, parking, and loading space requirements for buildings and structures damaged or destroyed in an emergency declared by the Governor when the deviations are necessary to accommodate the requirements of the Americans With Disabilities Act, Federal Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988, the California Code of Regulations, Title 24, provided the Zoning Administrator finds:
   1.   That the deviations are not likely to cause an undue burden on nearby streets or neighboring properties;
   2.   That the grant is not likely to evoke public controversy; and
   3.   That the development cannot feasibly be designed to meet the requisite disabled access standards without the deviations.
   Prior to acting on an application for a deviation, the Zoning Administrator shall give notice to all adjoining property owners and shall hold a public hearing. The Zoning Administrator may waive the public hearing if the Zoning Administrator makes the two findings in Section 16.02 B. The notice and procedures provided in Section 16.01 shall be followed for granting any deviation.
   (Amended by Ord. No. 173,268, Eff. 7/1/00, Oper. 7/1/00.)
   A.   Authority of the Department of Building and Safety. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code to the contrary, the Department of Building and Safety shall, during the first six months following the declaration of an emergency, have the authority to issue a temporary permit for the duration of the emergency, on any lot, regardless of zone, for any police, fire, emergency medical or emergency communications facility which will aid in the immediate restoration of an area adversely impacted by a severe fire, storm, earthquake, similar natural disaster, or a civil or military disturbance, and declared by the Governor as an emergency area, provided that the department shall maintain records of all temporary permits.