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   (Amended by Ord. No. 187,032, Eff. 6/14/21.)
   A.   Reporting Violations. Any person whose rights, granted or protected by this article, have been violated, even if that person’s only injury is the deprivation of that right granted or protected without physical or monetary damages, may report a complaint to the General Manager. The General Manager shall encourage reporting pursuant to this article by keeping confidential, to the extent permitted by law, the name and other identifying information of the Complainant. With the authorization of the Complainant, the General Manager may disclose the Complainant’s name and identifying information as necessary to conduct investigations under this article or for other appropriate purposes. The General Manager shall disclose the name and identifying information of the Complainant at the time the General Manager issues a notice of violation to the Respondent.
   B.   Investigation. The General Manager shall be responsible for investigating violations of this article. A Respondent shall cooperate fully in any investigation by the General Manager. The General Manager shall have access to the Respondent’s business sites, housing locations, and places of labor subject to this ordinance during business hours to inspect books and records, and to interview any relevant witnesses. Respondents shall provide the General Manager with their legal name, address, and telephone number in writing. The General Manager may request the Commission to subpoena witnesses, compel their attendance and testimony, and require by subpoena the production of any books, papers, records or other items relevant to inquiries, investigations, and enforcement actions under this article.
   C.   Settlement. The General Manager shall have the authority, at any time, to enter into a settlement agreement with a Respondent. The General Manager shall present any settlement agreement to the Commission for approval, which shall have the authority only to approve or disapprove the agreement. A settlement disapproved by the Commission shall be remanded to the General Manager, who shall resume enforcement authority over the matter, including the authority to present a new settlement to the Commission.
   D.   Determination. Whenever the General Manager finds that a violation of Section 51.03 or Section 51.04 has occurred, the General Manager shall publicly issue a notice of violation, which shall, in addition to describing the violation, impose administrative penalties, Compensatory Penalties, if any, and corrective actions, if any, consistent with Section 51.07. The General Manager shall serve the notice of violation, by First Class mail, on the respective Complainant and Respondent. The date of service shall be the date of the postmark on the mailing.