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   (Added by Ord. No. 180,448, Eff. 2/5/09.)

   (a)   Definitions.
   1.   “Firearm Ammunition” means any self-contained unit consisting of the case, primer, propellant charge, and projectile for use in pistols, revolvers, rifles, shot guns, or any other device designed to be used as a weapon from which is expelled a projectile by the force of explosion or other form of combustion. “Firearm Ammunition” shall not include blank ammunition used solely in the course of motion picture, television, video, or theatrical productions.
   2.   “Large caliber firearm” means any firearm, as defined in Section 103.314 of this Code, capable of firing a center-fire cartridge of .50 caliber or larger either by designation or by actual measurement. The term “large caliber firearm” shall include any rifle or handgun.
   (b)   No person shall sell, give, transfer ownership of, transfer, offer for sale, or display for sale any firearm ammunition for any large caliber firearm.
   (c)   The provisions of this section shall not apply to any sale or transfer of firearm ammunition which is prohibited under state law, including but not limited to any destructive device as defined in Section 12301 of the California Penal Code or any fixed ammunition of a caliber greater than .60 caliber as defined in Section 12304 of the California Penal Code. The provisions of this section shall not apply to any offer for sale or display in any periodical, solicitation by mail, or use of the internet by a seller or offeror located outside the City of Los Angeles.
   (d)   The provisions of Subsection (b) of this section shall not apply where the purchaser or transferee is any of the following:
   (1)   A law enforcement agency;
   (2)   An agency duly authorized to perform law enforcement duties;
   (3)   A state or local correctional facility;
   (4)   A person described in Section 12302 or 12322 of the California Penal Code, when acting within the course and scope of their law enforcement duties;
   (5)   A federal law enforcement officer, when acting in the course and scope of their law enforcement duties; and
   (6)   A person who is properly identified as a full-time paid peace officer, as defined in Section 830.1, 830.2, 830.4, or 830.5 of the California Penal Code, and who is authorized to, and does, carry a firearm during the course of their employment as a peace officer, and is acting within the course and scope of such employment.
   (e)   Penalty. Any violation of this section shall constitute a misdemeanor.
   (f)   Severability. If any provision of this ordinance is found to be unconstitutional or otherwise invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, that invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions, which can be implemented without the invalid provisions, and to this end, the provisions of this ordinance are declared to be severable.