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Sec. 5.457. Creation and Administration of the Fund.
   (a)   There is hereby created and established in the Treasury of the City of Los Angeles a special fund to be known as the “City Planning Systems Development Fund,” hereinafter referred to in this chapter as the “Fund”.
   (b)   All revenue received from the surcharges imposed pursuant to Los Angeles Municipal Code Sections 19.13, 61.04 and 98.0418 and such funds as may be approved by the City Council or the Mayor for the purposes of the Fund shall be deposited in the Fund.
   (c)   Money in the Fund shall be used solely for the following purposes:
   1.   Design, acquisition, development, and implementation of automated systems for existing programs and activities of the Department of Planning, including, but not limited to, cost of computers and other related equipment, software, firmware, technical services and consulting services, employees’ salaries, employee training, facilities support, data conversion, computer communications and computer security resources;
   1.   Design, acquisition, development, and implementation of automated systems to support new programs designated by the City Council related to enforcement of the City’s building and land use regulations, including, but not limited to, cost of computers and other related equipment, software, firmware, technical services consulting services, employees’ salaries, employee training, facilities support, data conversion, computer communications, and computer security resources;
   3.   Operation and maintenance of the above systems; and
   4.   Payments for debt service, lease payments, installment purchase payments, and repayment of cash advances received from any other fund, including the City General Fund, to carry out the purposes of the Fund.
   (d)   Pursuant to Charter Section 344, money in the special fund shall not be subject to reversion to the Reserve Fund of the City.
   (e)   All interest or other credits to money in the Fund shall be credited to the Fund and shall be devoted to the purposes of the Fund.
   (f)   The Fund shall be administered, and expenditures therefrom shall be authorized, by the Director of the Department of City Planning or a duly authorized representative. The Director of the Department of City Planning, with the concurrence of the Director of the Office of Administrative and Research Services, is authorized to establish appropriate procedures to carry out the provisions of this chapter.
   (g)   The Department of City Planning shall be responsible for maintaining the records relating to the Fund.
   (h)   The Mayor is authorized to transfer money among accounts that may be established within the Fund in an amount not to exceed $50,000 per transfer.
   (i)   Notwithstanding Subsection (c) above, if a refund is granted for any permit, license or application with respect to which a surcharge has been collected, moneys from the fund may be used to refund such surcharge.
Chapter and Sec. Added by Ord. No. 169,870 Eff. 7-18-94.
Amended by: Ord. No. 173,305, Eff. 6-30-00, Oper. 7-1-00.