The Board of Recreation and Park Commissioners is hereby authorized and directed to post and maintain appropriate signs indicating that parking is limited or prohibited on any park-drive, park-road, or at any other place within parks, playgrounds and recreation areas owned or controlled by the City during such hours, or on such days, or both, as is necessary for the safety of the public or the reasonable use or enjoyment by the public of the park, playground or recreation area, and whenever such authorized signs are in place, giving notice thereon that parking is limited or prohibited during such hours or on such days as are indicated on the signs, it shall be unlawful for any person to park any vehicle, motor vehicle or motorcycle at any time during such hours or on such days, or for any length of time prohibited as indicated by such signs.
No person shall drive a saddlehorse on any road other than a road designated and posted as a “Bridle Path,” except that roads not designated as bridle paths may be crossed at crossings designated by the Board of Recreation and Park Commissioners and appropriately posted therefor.
(Amended by Ord. No. 168,782, Eff. 7/12/93.)
(a) No person shall drive any vehicle, motor vehicle or motorcycle upon any path, trail, bridle path, or in any other area, unless it is posted for parking, within a public park, playground or recreation area owned or controlled by the City.
(b) No person shall stop, stand or park any vehicle, motor vehicle or motorcycle upon any path, trail, bridle path, or in any other area, unless it is posted for parking, within a public park, playground or recreation area owned or controlled by the City.
The Board of Recreation and Park Commissioners is hereby authorized and directed to establish and mark crosswalks within parks, playgrounds and recreation areas owned or controlled by the City where it determines that such crosswalks are necessary in order to eliminate hazards to pedestrians crossing any park-drive or park-road.
The driver of a vehicle shall yield the right of way to a pedestrian crossing a park-drive or park-road within any marked cross-walk.
(Added by Ord. No. 179,578, Eff. 3/17/08.)
(a) Upon declaration of a Red Flag day and issuance of Red Flag restrictions in the Mt. Washington area by the Los Angeles Fire Department, residents shall be permitted to park in the parking lots of the following Recreation and Parks facilities:
(1) the Carlin G. Smith Recreation Center (in designated “Red Flag Day” parking spaces only);
(2) Ramona Hall;
(3) the Sycamore Grove Bandshell.
(b) During the period of Red Flag restrictions, residents shall be permitted to enter the parking lots of the Recreation and Park facilities listed in Subsection (a) in order to access their vehicles.
(c) Parking restrictions and enforcement at the parking lots of the Recreation and Parks facilities listed in Subsection (a) shall resume at the regular closing time of the facilities one day after the Los Angeles Fire Department declares that Red Flag conditions in the Mt. Washington area have ceased and the Red Flag restrictions are lifted.
87.00 Stop Signs to Be Erected.
87.01 Stops Required at Stop Intersections.
87.02 Parking Near Fire Hydrants Prohibited.
87.03 Parallel Parking Required, Exceptions.
87.04 Parking Time Limited on Certain Roadways.
87.05 Parking Prohibited on Certain Harbor Department Roadways, To-wit.
87.06 Parking Prohibited on Certain Public Streets in the Harbor District.
87.07 Speed Law and Speed Limit upon Harbor Department Roadways.
87.08 Vehicle Code Governs; Temporary Rules and Regulations.
87.09 Parking Prohibited on or Within Six (6) Feet of Any Railroad Track on Lands Under the Jurisdiction and Control of the Board of Harbor Commissioners, and Parking and Standing Prohibited or Limited to Specific Time and for Loading and Unloading on Harbor Department Streets, Roadways, Thoroughfares, and Areas, or Portions Thereof, When Posted and Painted.
87.10 One Way Traffic on Certain Roadways in the Harbor District.
87.11 Camping and Recreational Vehicles Prohibited from Parking Between 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m.
87.12 Security Officer.