No person shall stop, park or leave standing any vehicle for a period of time longer than one hour at any time between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M. in the following Harbor Department roadways, to-wit:
(a) Tuna Street.
(b) Terminal Way from South Seaside Avenue north of Terminal Way to South Seaside Avenue south of Terminal Way.
No person shall stop, park or leave standing any vehicle at any time on the following Harbor Department roadways, to-wit:
(a) Harbor Boulevard from Front Street to the northerly end of Harbor Boulevard.
(b) Regan Street from Harbor Boulevard to the northerly end of Regan Street.
(c) Keel Street from Harbor Boulevard to Regan Street.
(d) Badger Avenue (Roadway No. 1 in agreement with Los Angeles and Salt Lake Railroad Company dated April 3, 1934), sometimes called Henry Ford Avenue, from Anaheim Avenue to Dock Street.
(e) Dock Street from Badger Avenue (Henry Ford Avenue) to Mormon Street.
(f) South Seaside Avenue from Altoona Place to Terminal Way.
(g) South Seaside Avenue from Terminal Way to United States Government Reservation Point.
(h) The paved portions of Terminal Way from South Seaside Avenue (northerly of Terminal Way) to Ferry Street.
(i) Ferry Street from Terminal Way to Seaside Avenue.
(j) The paved portions of Cannery Street from South Seaside Avenue to Barracuda Street.
(k) Ways Street from Cannery Street to Sardine Street.
(q) Dock Street from Altoona Place to Terminal Way.
No person shall stop, park or leave standing any vehicle at any time on the following public streets in the Harbor District of the City of Los Angeles, to-wit:
(a) Mormon Street from Harbor Department Roadway named Dock Street to south barrel of Ocean Avenue.
(b) South barrel of Ocean Avenue from Mormon Street to Harris Place.
(c) Harris Place from south barrel of Ocean Avenue to Seaside Avenue.
(d) North barrel of Ocean Avenue from Mormon Street to Altoona Place.
(e) Altoona Place from north barrel of Ocean Avenue to Seaside Avenue.
(f) Seaside Avenue from Altoona Place to Long Beach City boundary line.