(Amended by Ord. No. 181,882, Eff. 10/30/11.)
Each duly licensed veterinarian, after vaccinating any dog, shall sign a certificate containing the following information:
1. The name and address of the owner or custodian of the vaccinated dog;
2. The kind of vaccine used and the date of the vaccination;
3. The year and serial number of the dog tag;
4. The breed, age, color and sex of the vaccinated dog; and
5. Such other information as the General Manager may require or such other information as may be required by State law.
The veterinarian shall immediately present one copy of the rabies vaccination documentation to the owner of the vaccinated dog. A second copy shall be forwarded to the Department of Animal Services within five (5) calendar days after the end of the month in which the vaccination was administered, on a form and in a manner prescribed by the Department, including but not limited to electronic transmission or facsimile, consistent with State law. A copy of the certificate shall also be retained by the veterinarian.