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SEC. 53.50. PERMITS.
   (Title Amended by Ord. No. 185,537, Eff. 6/21/18.)
   (a)   Permit Requirements. (Amended by Ord. No. 186,556, Eff. 4/14/20.)
   1.   It shall be unlawful for any person, without first obtaining a permit from the Department pursuant to this section, to operate or conduct a business or enterprise in the City of Los Angeles that involves keeping or exhibiting animals, including, but not limited to, a dog kennel, cat kennel, pet shop, Zoo, wildlife conservation center, animal rental establishment, animal grooming parlor, riding academy, livery stable, boarding stable, pony ring or pony ride, horse market, mule market, rodeo, pet show, cat show, animal acts or exhibitions, wild animals, miscellaneous animal or reptile establishment, or carrier and homing pigeons which are to be liberated for exercise or racing. A permit obtained under this section does not allow the permit holder to exhibit a wild, exotic or Dangerous Animal anywhere except on the permitted premises, unless the permit is issued in compliance with Section 53.39.1 of this Code.
   2.   It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in Filming with an animal in the City of Los Angeles without first obtaining a permit from the Department pursuant to this section. If the Filming involves use of a wild, exotic or Dangerous Animal, it shall be unlawful to engage in Filming without obtaining a permit issued in compliance with Section 53.39.1 of this Code.
   3.   No permit shall be available and it shall be unlawful for any person to keep, conduct, or operate within the City of Los Angeles any Circus or performing acts using wild, exotic or Dangerous Animals.
   (b)   Application – Contents of. Each application for permit hereunder shall be in writing upon a form to be furnished by the Department, and shall contain such information as the General Manager, by rule or regulation shall require. (Amended by Ord. No. 133,983, Eff. 4/10/67.)
   All permits issued by the Department as required by this article shall expire one year from the date of issuance, unless sooner revoked or suspended, unless issued for a shorter period of time in the manner set forth in this article, or unless the holder of such permit changes the location of their place of business, or sells, assigns, transfers or otherwise disposes of such business or their interest therein for a period of 30 days. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,537, Eff. 6/21/18.)
   Upon the expiration of any permit and within thirty days thereafter, the permittee shall apply for and secure a renewal of the permit in the manner provided for in this article upon paying the proper fees. Upon failure to make application for renewal of such permit within the time herein provided, the applicant shall pay, in addition to the regular permit fee, a penalty of 15% of any such renewal fee.
   All permits issued hereunder shall be kept posted in a conspicuous place.
   (c)   Investigation. Upon the filing of each application hereunder, either for an original permit or a renewal thereof, the Department shall make such investigation as it deems proper. It shall then issue a permit to the applicant if it finds that: (Amended by Ord. No. 133,983, Eff. 4/10/67.)
   1.   The keeping of animals, or the conduct or operation of the business for which the permit is requested, and at the place set forth in the application, will not violate any law or ordinance of this City, or any law of the State of California; and
   2.   The keeping of animals, or the conduct or operation of the business for which the permit is requested will not constitute a menace to the health, peace or safety of the community; and
   3.   The premises and establishment where animals are to be kept is maintained in a clean and sanitary condition, and that animals will not be subject to needless suffering, unnecessary cruelty or abuse; and
   4.   The applicant has not had a permit revoked within one year prior to the application.
   (d)   Revocation or Suspension – Grounds – Procedure. Any permit issued hereunder may be revoked or suspended under the procedure outlined in Sec. 22.02 of this Code, if, after due investigation, the Department finds: (Amended by Ord. No. 133,983, Eff. 4/10/67.)
   1.   That the permittee, the permittee’s agent, or employee, has been convicted of any offense involving the violation of Section 597 of the Penal Code of the State of California, or any provision of this article; or
   2.   That the permittee, the permittee’s agent, or employee, has, at the place for which the permit was issued, failed to provide any animal, fowl or reptile in the permittee’s possession, care or control, with proper and sufficient food, drink, shelter, or protection, or subjected any such animal, fowl or reptile to needless suffering, unnecessary cruelty, or abuse; or
   3.   That the permittee, the permittee’s agent, or employee, has failed to maintain the premises in a clean and sanitary condition; or
   4.   That the permittee, the permittee’s agent, or employee, has violated any rule or regulation of the Department. (Amended by Ord. No. 133,983, Eff. 4/10/67.)
   (e)   Rules and Regulations. The General Manager is hereby authorized to adopt such rules and regulations reasonably necessary to carry out the purpose of this article, and to ensure the maintenance of approved and humane conditions at any place for which a permit is granted hereunder. Before granting a permit for a pet shop, the General Manager shall consider the pet shop’s location, size, operations, and other significant features, including, but not limited to, the proposed number and type of animals to be present. No permit shall be issued to any pet shop unless the pet shop agrees to obtain its dogs, cats, or rabbits only from an animal shelter operated by the City or County of Los Angeles. The General Manager shall impose reasonable restrictions as part of the pet shop permit to ensure that the pet shop will not unreasonably subject adjacent businesses or the surrounding neighborhood to unwarranted noise and odor, and will protect the public health, welfare, and safety. A copy of such rules and regulations shall be furnished to each applicant upon the filing of a permit application. (Amended by Ord. No. 186,373, Eff. 12/10/19.)
   (f)   Permit Fees. The Department, before receiving any application for granting of any permit required by this section, shall require the payment of a Permit Fee of the type and in the amount set forth in this section as follows, or as revised in the manner set forth in Subsection (a) of Section 53.12 or other sections of this article: (Amended by Ord. No. 186,556, Eff. 4/14/20.)
   1.   Dog Kennel   $305.00
   2.   Cat Kennel   $290.00
   3.   Pet Shop   $290.00
   4.   Zoo   $220.00
   5.   Animal Rental Establishment   $290.00
   6.   Pet Show, Dog Show   $425.00
   7.   Miscellaneous Animal or Reptile Establishment   $205.00
   8.   Rodeo   $1,660.00
   9.   Homing Pigeons   $290.00
   10.   Riding Academy, Livery Stable, Board Stable, Pony Ride, Horse Market or Mule Market   $325.00
   11.   Animal Grooming Parlor   $180.00
   12.   Filming with Animals   $680.00
   13.   Keeping Wild Animals   $290.00
   14.   Animal Acts or Exhibitions   $425.00
   The fees imposed herein for a pet show or a dog show shall be waived if the show is held in a public park.