The City Engineer shall designate one assistant, who, upon taking the oath of office, shall serve as Acting City Engineer in the case of a vacancy in such office, until an appointment thereto is made in the manner prescribed in Charter Sections 508(b) or 508(c). Such appointment made by the City Engineer shall be in writing, filed with the City Clerk, and may be changed from time to time. Any person so appointed must possess the qualifications prescribed for such office and shall take the oath prescribed by Section 215 of the City Charter before assuming the duties as Acting Engineer.
Based on Charter, Sec. 9.
Amended by: Ord. No. 173,258, Eff. 6-23-00, Oper. 7-1-00.
The City Engineer shall perform such civil engineering and surveying necessary in the prosecution of public work done under the direction or supervision of the Board as the said Board may require. The City Engineer shall make such certificates and reports upon the progress of such work, and shall make such surveys, inspections and estimates, and perform such other surveying or engineering work as may be required by said Board or by the Council. The City Engineer shall devote their entire time to the duties of the City Engineer’s office, and shall receive no compensation in addition to their salary.
The City Engineer shall have all the powers and perform all the duties imposed upon the City Engineer by the Charter, the ordinances of the City, the general laws of the State and orders of the Board of Public Works, and shall be custodian of and responsible for all maps, plans, profiles, field notes and other records and memoranda belonging to the City pertaining to the City Engineer’s office and the work thereof, all of which the City Engineer shall keep in proper order and condition, with full index thereof, and shall turn over the same to the City Engineer’s successor.
All maps, plans, profiles field notes, estimates and other memoranda of surveys, and other professional work made or done by the City Engineer, or under the City Engineer’s direction or control during the City Engineer’s term of office, shall be property of the City.
The City Engineer shall, subject to directions from the Board, design and construct, or cause to be designed and constructed, public buildings for the City of Los Angeles, and, subject to cooperation agreements with the Department of Recreation and Parks and to financial and other necessary resources being provided for that purpose by that department or by the City Council, provide design and project management services for the construction of buildings and other facilities for the Department of Recreation and Parks.
Based on Charter, Sec. 49.
Amended by: 4th unnumbered para. added, Ord. No. 152,427, Eff. 6-29-79; 4th unnumbered para., Ord. No. 176,359, Eff. 2-8-05.
(Title amended by Ord. No. 148,883, Eff. 11-13-76.)
22.350 Permit Required to Use City Property for Commercial Filming Purposes.
22.350.1 [Commercial Vehicular Equipment Exempt from Temporary No Parking Regulations.]
22.352 Adoption of Rules and Regulations Concerning Use Permits.
22.353 Schedule of Application Fees, Use Charges and Service Charges.
22.353.1 Use Charges for Filming and Photography Purposes.
22.354 Motion Picture Coordination Fund.
22.355 Application of Article.
No person, as defined in Section 11.01 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code, shall use any property belonging to or under the control of the City of Los Angeles for the purpose of making any commercial motion picture, or still photograph, of, or including such property, without first having obtained a use permit to do so from the City Council, or whomever the Council by order, resolution or ordinance may delegate such authority. No such use permit shall be issued until the permit applicant has paid the application fee and the use and service charge required in connection therewith, and until the permit applicant has furnished proof of insurance with coverage as required by the Director of the Office of Administrative and Research Services in a form approved by the City Attorney.
Added by Ord. No. 144,744, Eff. 7-8-73.
Amended by: In Entirety, Ord. No. 170,515, Eff. 6-18-95; Ord. No. 173,363, Eff. 7-29-00, Oper. 7-1-00.
Commercial vehicular equipment used by motion picture and television production companies and commercial photographers, when engaged in the activity for which a use permit has been issued under provisions of this article shall be exempt from the provisions of “Temporary” No Parking regulations posted by the Department under the terms of said use permit and during the hours and days of the week specified in said permit. “Temporary” No Parking signs posted by the Department for that purpose shall clearly indicate “Commercial Vehicles With Use Permit Exempt”.
Added by Ord. No. 157,503, Eff. 5-7-83.
The City Council, or whomever the Council by order, resolution or ordinance may delegate such authority shall adopt such rules and regulations concerning the issuance of use permits required by Section 22.350 as may be necessary to assure that the property will be used in a safe manner, with a minimum of interference with the enjoyment and use of said property by the public and City employees, and consistent with the public health, safety, and general welfare. Said rules and regulations shall provide that no such permit shall be issued until approval of the Police Department has first been obtained. Said rules and regulations shall also be subject to the approval of the departments involved, insofar as such rules and regulations apply to the use of property under their management and control or to the use of property assigned to them. Such rules and regulations shall require, among other matters, that the Department involved be notified and its approval obtained prior to the issuance of a use permit.
Added by Ord. No. 144,744, 7-8-73.
Amended by: In Entirety, Ord. No. 170,515, Eff. 6-18-95.
The City Council, or to whomever the Council by order, resolution or ordinance may delegate the authority, shall establish a schedule of application fees and use and service charges, which shall be collected prior to the issuance of a use permit required by Section 22.350. The application fee shall be based upon an estimate of the cost to process applications for use permits.
The service charge shall be based upon an estimate of the cost of the City providing the services to the permittee. Any excess of this estimate and deposit shall be reimbursed to the permittee. The use charge shall be based on the reasonable rental value of the property involved. Notwithstanding any provision of the Los Angeles Municipal Code or this code to the contrary, the application fee shall not be returned in whole or in part following the issuance of the use permit.
Added by Ord. No. 144,744, Eff. 7-8-73.
Amended by: Second para., Ord. No. 165,635, Eff. 4-26-90; Ord. No. 166,259, Eff. 10-27-90; Title and Sec. In Entirety, Ord. No. 170,515, Eff. 6-18-95; Title and Sec. In Entirety, Ord. No. 177,760, Eff. 9-11-06.
A charge for the use of a facility, site, piece of equipment, or other property, for filming or photography purposes, except for intellectual property, shall not be imposed except by the Convention Center, El Pueblo, the Department of Recreation and Parks, the Los Angeles Zoo, and the Warner Grand Theater.
Each City department or City office that is subject to the fee waiver pursuant to this ordinance shall continue to collect and track data regarding film and photography permits (including whether the use was for filming; the number of days, hours, or other quantitative data regarding the use; and the use charge amount waived).
The provisions of this section shall be operative until June 30, 2024. Six months prior to that date, the Department of Public Works shall prepare and present to Council a report that summarizes the estimated revenues foregone as a result of this section. In compliance with the City’s Financial Policies, the City Council and the Mayor, after review of the report from the Department of Public Works, and based on the financial information and status of the budget at that point in time, shall determine whether or not to continue to waive the filming use charge in the future.
Any fee waivers granted under this ordinance between June 30, 2019, and the time this ordinance becomes effective are hereby ratified.
Added by Ord. No. 177,760, Eff. 9-11-06.
Amended by: Ord. No. 181,386, Eff. 12-15-10; In Entirety, Ord. No. 184,948, Eff. 7-16-17; In Entirety, Ord. No. 186,204, Eff. 8-6-19.