250.01 Definitions
250.02 Composition
250.03 Hours of work
250.04 Payment of compensation
250.05 Overtime
250.06 Holidays; personal leave days
250.07 Vacations
250.08 Sick leave
250.09 Death leave
250.10 Hospitalization; life insurance; leaves of absence
250.11 Vacancies; assignments
250.12 Work rules
250.13 Grievances
250.14 Water Plant operators
250.15 Residency requirement [Repealed]
250.16 Contribution to Public Employees Retirement System (PERS)
250.17 Tuition reimbursement
250.18 Compensatory time
Editor’s note:
Because of the status change of the municipality (April 20, 1981), Ordinance 82-3, passed January 4, 1982, provided that all references in these Codified Ordinances to the Water and Service Clerk shall be amended to read “Village Administrator.”
Water generally, see Ch. 1040
Water pollution, see § 660.04
Statutory reference:
Appropriation of property for water system, see Ohio R.C. § 719.01
Gas, water and electric regulations, see Ohio R.C. Chapter 743
Powers of municipalities as to water, see Ohio R.C. §§ 715.08 and 715.34
Water pollution, see Ohio R.C. § 743.25
Water works, see Ohio R.C. §§ 743.01 et seq.