(A)   Filing. The provisions of Chapter 6 of this title shall govern the filing of tentative parcel maps.
   (B)   Application form. Application for the approval of a tentative parcel map shall be made upon the form provided by the Secretary of the Planning Commission. The application shall contain the following information:
      1.   A legal description of the whole parcel proposed to be divided;
      2.   Existing use of the parcels to be divided;
      3.   The proposed use of the parcels to be created;
      4.   The existing and proposed zoning on the parcel to be divided;
      5.   The source of domestic water supply and the proposed method of sewage disposal;
      6.   Name and address and telephone number of the applicant and owners;
      7.   Certification by the owner that he or she is the owner of the property on the map as proposed for subdivision, has examined the map and consents to its submission; and
      8.   A preliminary title report describing the status of all interests in the parcel to be divided shall be attached thereto.
   (C)   Tentative map; form and content.
      1.   A tentative parcel map shall be legibly drawn on reproducible material, to a scale and in a manner prescribed by the City Engineer to best illustrate the proposed division of land.
      2.   The following information shall be shown on the map:
         (a)   The boundary lines of the entire parcel including the area to be divided, with dimensions, based on existing survey data or property description;
         (b)   The proposed division lines with dimensions;
         (c)   Identification of each parcel with a number;
         (d)   All existing buildings and structures located within 100 feet of all proposed boundary lines, together with their major exterior dimensions and the distance from said boundary lines (except when located on the opposite side of public rights-of-way);
         (e)   The location of all existing wells, septic tanks and leaching fields located within 100 feet of all proposed boundary lines, with the distance from said boundary lines (except when located on the opposite side of public rights-of-way);
         (f)   The location and names of all abutting roads;
         (g)   The location, widths and names of any roads proposed by the subdivider;
         (h)   Source of data from which the map was drawn;
         (i)   Name, address and telephone number of the person preparing the map;
         (j)   The width and location of all existing or proposed easements or rights-of-way within the land being divided or on its boundaries;
         (k)   Land subject to flooding;
         (l)   Watercourses, streams and drainage channels;
         (m)   At least two reference point ties to the California State Plane Coordinate System (1983 NA datum) shall be shown on the map, if available within one mile of the subdivision. If the distance is greater than one mile, a record tie to a section line or quarter section line and from a section corner or quarter section corner shall be shown on the map and the distance from a point on the outer line of a subdivision to a point on a section line or the angle between the tie line and the section line upon which the control point falls; and
         (n)   Such additional information as the city deems necessary due to unusual topography or drainage conditions.
   (D)   Review and approval of tentative parcel maps. The procedure for reviewing and approving tentative parcel maps shall be as set forth in §§ 6-6-8 through 6-6-13 of this title.
(Ord. 295, passed 2-4-1986; Ord. 387, passed 11-20-1990)