11-1-1 Definitions
11-1-2 Authority of police; traffic signs and signals
11-1-2-1 Obedience to police
11-1-2-2 Signs
11-1-2-3 Obedience to traffic signs
11-1-2-4 Traffic stop and go signal legend
11-1-2-5 Establish and maintain crosswalks
11-1-2-6 Display of unauthorized signs prohibited
11-1-3 Police and fire vehicles exempt from certain rules
11-1-4 Riding on running boards
11-1-5 Railway trains blocking street
11-1-6 Use of muffler cutout prohibited
11-1-7 Penalty
11-1-8 Disposal of fines and forfeitures
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ALLEY. A public highway which does not exceed 20 feet between the property lines.
BUSINESS DISTRICT. The territory contiguous to a street when 50% or more of the frontage thereon for a distance of 300 feet or more is occupied by buildings in use for retail or wholesale business; also any territory contiguous to a street which is immediately adjacent to or a continuation of a street within a business district when such territory is so designated by the Chief of Police.
CENTRAL TRAFFIC DISTRICT. That portion of the city bounded and described as follows:
1. All of Front Street;
2. All of Third Street from State Highway 99 to D Street, inclusive, and one block west on lateral streets leading west, and one block east on all lateral streets leading east from Third Street, between the State Highway 99 and D Street, inclusive; and
3. All of State Highway 99 from and including Stefani Street on the west and Simpson Street on the east, and one block north on all lateral streets leading north from State Highway 99 between Stefani and Simpson, inclusive.
INTERSECTION. The area embraced within the prolongation of the property lines of two or more streets which join at an angle whether or not one such street crosses the other.
LOADING ZONE. That space adjacent to a curb reserved for the exclusive use of vehicles during the loading of passengers or materials.
OFFICIAL WARNING, DIRECTION SIGNS AND SIGNALS. All warning and direction signs and signals not inconsistent with this title, placed or erected under this title or by authority of the City Council.
OPERATOR. Any person who is in actual physical control of a vehicle.
PARK. To stand a vehicle for a period of time greater than is reasonably necessary for the actual loading or unloading of persons or material.
PEDESTRIAN. Any person afoot.
RIGHT-OF-WAY. The privilege of the immediate use of the street.
ROADWAY. That portion of a street between the regularly established curb lines.
SAFETY ZONE. That marked portion of a roadway reserved for the exclusive use of pedestrians.
SIDEWALK. That portion of a street between the curb lines and the adjacent property lines.
STREET. Every way set apart for public travel except alleyways, bridle paths and footpaths.
TRAFFIC. Pedestrians, vehicles and streetcars, either singly or together, while using any street for purposes of travel.
1. Every device or animal by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a street, excepting devices moved by human power or used exclusively upon rails.
2. For the purpose of this title, a bicycle shall be deemed a
(Ord. 15, passed 8-8-1927)