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   (A)   Within 50 days of the filing of a tentative map with the Secretary of the Planning Commission; the Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing on said tentative map and, following the public hearing, take action to approve, conditionally approve or disapprove the tentative map.
   (B)   Notices of the time and place of any public hearing on a tentative map, including a general explanation of the tentative map and the area affected by it, shall be given by the Planning Commission or its Secretary at least ten calendar days before the hearing in the following manner.
      1.   The notice shall be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated in the city.
      2.   The notice shall be given by mail or delivery to all persons including businesses, corporations or other public or private entities, shown on the latest equalized assessment roll as owning real property within 300 feet of the property, which is the subject of the tentative map.
      3.   The notice shall be given by mail or delivery to all persons, including businesses, corporations or other public entities, who have in writing requested said notice from the Secretary of the Planning Commission or whose property rights, in the judgment of the Planning Commission or its Secretary, may be substantially affected, or deprived as a result of a decision on a tentative map.
   (C)   The following rules shall govern the conduct of public hearings held pursuant to this section.
      1.   Public hearings provided for in this section shall be held at the time and place for which such hearings were set and notices thereof given.
      2.   Any such hearing may be continued by the majority of the members present at any hearing who may fix the time and place to which such hearing may be continued, even in the absence of a quorum, in which case the presiding officer at such hearing shall publicly announce prior to the conclusion of the hearing, the time and place to which the hearing is to be continued, and no further notice shall be required. In the absence of all of the members of the Commission, at the time and place which such hearing was set, it shall be deemed continued to the next regular meeting of the Commission, and no further notice shall be required.
      3.   A majority in number of the total voting membership of the Commission shall constitute a legal quorum for the purposes of conducting a hearing.
      4.   The recommendation of the Commission on a tentative map shall be by resolution of the Commission, carried by the affirmative votes of not less than a majority of its total membership. A tie vote shall be considered a technical denial.
      5.   The Commission shall have the authority to establish any reasonable rules of procedure for the conduct of such hearings. The Commission may require any person who is to testify before it to be placed under oath, in which case the member presiding at such hearing shall be empowered to administer such oath.
      6.   The Commission shall cause a written summary of all pertinent testimony heard at such public hearing, together with a record of the names and addresses of all persons testifying, to be prepared and filed with the papers relating to such matter.
(Ord. 295, passed 2-4-1986)
   The time limit for acting and reporting on tentative maps as specified in § 6-6-10 of this chapter may be extended by mutual consent of the subdivider and the Planning Commission.
(Ord. 295, passed 2-4-1986)
   If no action is taken by the Planning Commission to approve, conditionally approve or disapprove a tentative map within the time limits specified in § 6-6-10 of this chapter or any authorized extension thereof, the tentative map as filed shall be deemed to be recommended for approval insofar as it complies with the Subdivision Map Act and all city ordinances and it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Planning Commission to certify the recommendation of approval.
(Ord. 295, passed 2-4-1986)
   (A)   Failure to record a final map within two years from the date of approval or conditional approval of the tentative map or within any extension of time thereof granted by the Planning Commission shall terminate all proceedings. Before a final map may thereafter be recorded, a new tentative map shall be submitted.
   (B)   Upon application by the subdivider filed with the City Clerk prior to the expiration date of the tentative approval, an extension of not more than one year may be granted by the Planning Commission.
(Ord. 295, passed 2-4-1986)