   92.01   Definitions
   92.10   License required
   92.11   Rabies vaccination required
   92.12   Dogs at large or untagged
   92.13   Harboring or keeping barking dogs
   92.14   Number of dogs permitted
Animals Generally
   92.20   Animal waste
   92.21   Animal care
   92.22   Impound, quarantine and violation notices
   92.23   Livestock on highways
   92.24   Farm animals restricted
   92.25   Excluded from food handling
Wolf/Dog Hybrids
   92.40   Wolf/dog hybrid regulations
   92.41   Wolf/dog hybrid registration
   92.55   Enforcement
   92.99   Penalty
   Appendix:   Municipal citations
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ADULT DOG. A dog over five months of age.
   ANIMAL. Any live vertebrate or invertebrate creature, either domestic or wild.
   ANIMAL AT LARGE. An animal shall be deemed to be at large when off the property of the owner and not under restraint or control.
   ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER. Any person designated by the Iowa County Sheriff's Department or the village to enforce village ordinances and state statutes, adopted by reference, as they pertain to animal control.
   ANIMAL SHELTER. Animal shelters are facilities that are used to impound or harbor at least 25 seized, stray, abandoned, or unwanted dogs, cats, or other animals in a year's time. A shelter may be operated by a governmental unit or a licensed veterinarian. It may also be a facility that promotes the welfare, protection and humane treatment of animals, such as those operated by humane societies, animal welfare societies or similar nonprofit associations.
   CONFINED. Restriction of an animal at all times by the owner, or his agent, to an escape proof building or other enclosure.
   COUNTY POUND. A shelter where stray, impounded, lost or abandoned animals are kept and administered by Iowa County or its authorized agent.
   DOMESTIC ANIMAL. Any animal which normally can be considered tame and converted to home life.
   DWELLING UNIT. A building, or portion thereof, designed or used exclusively for residential purposes.
   EXOTIC DOMESTIC ANIMAL. Any wild animal which is not native to Wisconsin and may have been domesticated, such as ferrets and primates.
   FARM ANIMALS. Cattle, sheep, swine, goats, farm-raised deer, horses, mules, poultry and other equines.
   HEALTH OFFICER. The Iowa County Director of Health or a duly designated representative of the Iowa County Department of Public Health.
   HUMANE CARE. Includes the provision of adequate and accessible food and water, as well as heating, cooling, ventilation, sanitation, shelter and medical care consistent with the normal requirements, based on the animal's size, species and breed. The animal must also be provided space and opportunity for exercise.
   KENNEL. A facility where dogs or cats are kept for 24 hours or more for boarding, training or similar purposes for compensation. KENNEL does not include an animal shelter or a facility owned or operated by a veterinarian where animals are boarded only in conjunction with the provision of veterinary care.
   LICENSING AUTHORITY. The municipality (Village Treasurer) or its delegated collecting agent.
   MINIMUM AGE SALE. The Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) must establish minimum ages for the animals sold by persons required to be licensed.
   OWNER. Any person who owns, harbors or keeps an animal. Where an animal is kept by a family, the adult owner(s) shall be responsible for the requirements of this chapter. Any animal shall be deemed to be harbored if it is fed and sheltered.
   PET BREEDERS. Individuals, other than pet dealers, who sell or offer to sell at least 25 dogs or cats for resale as pets in a year.
   PET DEALERS. Individuals, other than pet breeders, who sell or offer to sell at retail, exchange or offer for adoption at least 25 mammals (with some exceptions, such as livestock) for adoption as pets in a single year.
   PUBLIC NUISANCES. Any animal or animals which:
      (1)   Attacks, harasses or molests passersby or passing vehicles.
      (2)   Attacks persons or animals without provocation.
      (3)   Trespasses on school grounds, parks or cemeteries.
      (4)   Is repeatedly at large.
      (5)   Damages private or public property.
      (6)   Barks, whines or howls in an excessive, continuous or untimely fashion.
   RESTRAINT. Securing an animal by a leash or lead; having an animal under the control of a responsible person and obedient to that person's command; or having the animal within the real property limits of its owner.
   SHELTER. An enclosure to protect animals from the elements and a structure that provides a clean, healthy living environment.
   SURRENDER STERILE. A surgical procedure (neutering or spaying) that has been performed on an animal that renders it incapable of siring or bearing offspring.
   TRAINED INDIVIDUAL. Has the meaning as defined in Wisconsin Administrative Code, ATCP 13.
   TRANSPORTATION. Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) regulations must cover the transportation or moving of animals by persons required to be licensed.
   VETERINARIAN. Has the meaning as defined in Wisconsin Administrative Code, ATCP 13.
   VETERINARY HOSPITAL/CLINIC. Any establishment maintained and operated by a licensed veterinarian for surgery, diagnosis and treatment of disease and injuries of animals.
   VICIOUS ANIMAL. Any animal that, when unprovoked, inflicts bites or that injures, kills or attacks a human being or domestic animal on either public or private property. Notwithstanding the preceding:
      (1)   No animal may be declared vicious if death, injury or damage is sustained by a person who, at the time such was sustained, was committing a trespass of the land or criminal trespass of the dwelling upon premises occupied by the owner of the animal, or was teasing, tormenting, abusing or assaulting the animal or was committing or attempting to commit a crime or violating or attempting to violate an ordinance which protects persons or property.
      (2)   No animal may be declared vicious if the animal was protecting or defending a human being within immediate vicinity of the animal from an unjustified attack or assault.
      (3)   No animal may be declared vicious for acts committed by said animal while being utilized by a law enforcement agency for law enforcement purposes while under the control and direction of a law enforcement officer.
    WILD ANIMAL. Any live raccoon, skunk, fox, wolf, poisonous snake or any snake exceeding three feet in length, leopard, panther, tiger, lion, lynx or any other cold- or warm-blooded animal, which can normally be found in the wild state.
(`99 Code, § 5.03) (Ord. 75, passed 3-2-90; Am. Ord. 92, passed 1-8-04)
   (A)   Dog license.
      (1)   Any person owning, keeping, harboring or having custody of any dog over five months of age within the village must obtain a license as herein provided.
      (2)   Written application for licenses shall be made to the licensing authority, which shall include the name and address of the applicant, description of the animal, the appropriate fee and rabies certificate issued by a licensed veterinarian, and if applicable, written proof that the animal has been rendered sterile. Only a licensed veterinarian may administer a rabies vaccination and sign a rabies certificate.
      (3)   Licensing for the keeping of dogs shall be for a period of one calendar year.
      (4)   Application for license must be made within 30 days after obtaining a dog over four months of age, except that this requirement will not apply to a nonresident keeping a dog within the village for not longer than 30 days.
      (5)   Upon acceptance of the license application, fee and rabies certification, the licensing authority shall issue a paper license along with a durable tag, stamped with an identifying number and the year of issuance. Tags should be designed so they may be conveniently fastened or riveted to the animal's collar or harness.
      (6)   The licensing authority shall maintain a record of the identifying numbers of all tags and shall make this record available to the public.
      (7)   The license year commences on January 1 and ends on the following December 31. Applications for license may be made 30 days prior to the license year. Persons applying for a license during the license year shall be required to pay 50% of the fee stipulated in this section if the animal becomes five months of age after July 1 of the licensing year.
      (8)   The licensing authority, or agent, shall assess and collect a late fee of $10 if the owner fails to obtain a license prior to April l of each year, or within 30 days of acquiring ownership of a licensable animal, or if the owner fails to obtain a license on, or before, the day the animal reaches five months of age. The $10 late fee collected shall be paid into the village treasury as revenue of the village.
      (9)   A license shall be issued after showing evidence of current rabies vaccination and payment of the applicable fee. The applicable fee shall be established by Iowa County:
         (a)   For each dog not rendered sterile.
         (b)   For each dog rendered sterile.
      (10)   A fee of $3 for a duplicate tag can be obtained from the Village Treasurer. A new tag with a new number shall be furnished to the owner in place of the original tag upon presentation of the license. The licensing authority shall then endorse the new tag number on the license and shall keep a record in the file.
      (11)   No person may use any license for any animal other than the animal for which it was issued.
   (B)   Kennel license. No person is allowed to operate an animal shelter or kennel or act as a pet dealer or pet breeder without a license from DATCP (Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection). The licenses will cover a two-year period, expiring on October 31 of even numbered years, and are nontransferable. Fees are to be determined by DATCP through administrative rules. The Department is also responsible for establishing the grounds for license revocation and for issuing orders to bar a person who fails to acquire the required license from selling or moving any animals.
(`99 Code, § 5.03) (Ord. 75, passed 3-2-90; Am. Ord. 92, passed 1-8-04) Penalty, see § 92.99
   (A)   The owner of a dog shall have the animal vaccinated by a veterinarian within 30 days after the animal has reached four months of age. An owner who imports an animal into the village that has reached four months of age must have the animal vaccinated by a licensed veterinarian, as evidenced by a current certificate of rabies vaccination from Wisconsin or another state.
   (B)   The owner of an animal shall have the animal re-vaccinated:
      (1)   Within one year after initial vaccination.
      (2)   Before the date that the immunization expires as stated on the certificate.
      (3)   If no date is specified, within three years after the previous vaccination.
(`99 Code, § 5.03) (Ord. 75, passed 3-2-90; Am. Ord. 92, passed 1-8-04) Penalty, see § 92.99