§ 153.01 PURPOSE.
   (A)   Land subdivision is the first step in the process of community development. Once land has been divided into streets, blocks, lots and open spaces, a pattern has been established which usually determines how well community needs for residence, business and industry will be met. It also determines to a great extent how well the community will be able to handle its traffic circulation problems, how well it will be able to meet the demands for home sites and how efficiently and economically it will be able to provide the many services demanded of it. Land development and divisions in relationship to the county is anticipated to be somewhat different than traditional urban land divisions and development. The Comprehensive Plan anticipates primarily large lot rural residential and limited commercial development. These regulations are also implemented in order to ensure development that occurs in the Cedar Creek Lake Watershed occurs in an effective and efficient manner which protects the water quality and quantity of the lake and preserves the scenic rural nature of the area.
   (B)   Once land has been subdivided and officially recorded, it is difficult and costly to correct defects and deficiencies in subdivision layout and in the facilities provided. Additionally, a subdivided area eventually becomes a public responsibility in that roads and streets must be maintained and public services customary to residential developments must be provided. The welfare of the entire community is thereby affected in many important respects. The guidance of land development in harmony with community objectives is therefore a matter of serious public concern, and it is in the interest of the public, the developer and the future owners that subdivisions be conceived, designed and developed in accordance with sound rules and proper minimum standards.
   (C)   These subdivision regulations, copies of which are filed in the office of the Lincoln County/Cedar Creek Planning Commission, and the County Judge/Executive, are designed to provide for the harmonious development of the subdivided area; for a coordinated layout; for the proper arrangement of streets, for adequate and convenient open spaces; for traffic, utilities, recreation, light, air and access of firefighting equipment; for avoidance of population congestion through requirements for minimum lot widths and lot areas; for adequate provision of water, sanitary and storm sewer, and other sanitary facilities; and for reducing erosion and flood damage potentials to the greatest extent possible.
(Ord. passed 4-1-2003)
§ 153.02 AUTHORITY.
   (A)   These subdivision regulations were adopted under the authority granted by the KRS 100.273 through 100.307. The Lincoln County/Cedar Creek Planning Commission, which was established in accordance with the KRS 100.117, has fulfilled the requirements set forth in the applicable sections of the state statutes as necessary for the adoption of such regulations.
   (B)   These regulations provide a procedure and minimum standards of design and construction by which the Lincoln County/Cedar Creek Planning Commission can equitably appraise all proposed plats for land subdivision plat preparation, review and approval requirements. These regulations shall also be applied to all development and construction on existing undeveloped lots. All proposed development must comply with these regulations, especially in relation to the design of the proposed roads and other improvements and provisions for erosion control and best management construction practices, and other development standards to ensure compliance with the design standards established by these subdivision regulations. These design standards must be met prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit.
   (C)   The applicant for the subdivision, at the time of the filing of the application for the subdivision, may elect to have any variance for the same development heard and decided by the Planning Commission in conjunction with the subdivision plat review as per KRS 100.281(7b).
(Ord. passed 4-1-2003)
   These regulations shall govern all subdivisions of land within the of the unincorporated areas of the county, as established at the formation of the Commission and in the adopted Comprehensive Plan.
(Ord. passed 4-1-2003)