If the proposal is determined to be a major subdivision, after the pre-application meeting with the Planning Commission, the subdivider shall have a preliminary plat prepared and submitted to the Planning Commission for its approval prior to making of any street improvements or the installation of any utilities.
   (A)   Preliminary plat data. The preliminary plat shall meet with the standards of design as set forth in §§ 153.35 through 153.43, and shall show the following information:
      (1)   Graphic scale of 200 feet to one inch or larger; label “preliminary plat”; north arrow; vicinity sketch map (one inch equals 2,000 feet); date;
      (2)   Name of subdivision, names and addresses of the owners, the licensed professional land surveyor and the owners of adjacent property;
      (3)   Acreage of land to be subdivided;
      (4)   Contours at an interval of not greater than five feet or at a lesser interval if deemed necessary by the Planning Commission;
      (5)   Boundary lines of area to be subdivided and their bearings and distances;
      (6)   Existing and proposed easements and their locations, widths and distances;
      (7)   Streets on and adjacent to the tract and their names, widths, approximate grades, profiles (one inch equals 20 feet), and other dimensions as may be required;
      (8)   Utilities on and adjacent to the tract showing proposed connections to existing utility systems; plans and profiles for all proposed utilities; existing culverts and watercourses. General location and size of proposed stormwater facilities including retention/detention facilities and swales. Rear easements for utility poles and wires shall be required wherever possible;
      (9)   Lot lines and lot numbers;
      (10)   Sites and their acreages, if any, to be reserved or dedicated for parks, playgrounds, schools or other public uses. Sites, if any, for non-single-family use;
      (11)   Minimum building setback lines;
      (12)   Copies of proposed deed restrictions, if any, shall be attached to the preliminary plat;
      (13)   Clearly indicate or discuss proposed erosion control methods during construction;
      (14)   Certificates 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 and 8 as indicated in the Appendix; and
      (15)   See Exhibit 8-2, Typical Sample Preliminary Plat.
   (B)   Procedure. These procedures shall be adhered to in all cases; and no hearings or plat reviews shall be considered without compliance to the procedures identified below.
      (1)   Fifteen copies of the complete preliminary plat and supplementary material specified (see preliminary plat data requirements) shall be submitted to the Planning Commission Administrative Officer/Planning and Zoning Office at least 21 days prior to the next regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting.
      (2)   The Administrative/Enforcement Officer for the Planning Commission shall notify the subdivider of the time and place of the meeting at which the plat will be discussed.
      (3)   Within 60 days after the review of the preliminary plat, the Planning Commission shall approve, disapprove or approve subject to modification the said plat. If a plat is disapproved, reasons for such disapproval will be stated in writing. If approved subject to modifications, the nature of the required modifications shall be indicated in writing. The action of the Planning Commission shall be noted on two copies of the preliminary plat with any notations made at the time of approval or disapproval of the specific changes required. One copy shall be returned to the subdivider and the other retained by the Planning Commission.
      (4)   Approval of the preliminary plat shall not constitute acceptance of the final plat. Upon approval of the preliminary plat, the developer may proceed with improvements to the land at his or her own risk and subject to development standards set forth in this chapter. Prior to final plat approval all improvements must be complete or have adequate bonding in place. No lots may be sold until the final plat is approved and properly filed in the County Clerk’s office. The approval of the preliminary plat shall lapse one year from the date of such approval. An extension of time may be applied for by the subdivider and granted by the Planning Commission.
   (C)   Subdivision of a portion of a larger tract. When part of a tract is proposed to be subdivided and the subdivider intends to subdivide additional parts of the tract in the future, a sketch plan or a conceptual development plan for the entire tract shall be submitted to the Planning Commission at the same time the preliminary plat for the first part of the tract to be platted is submitted. The sketch or conceptual plan is non-binding except in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan.
(Ord. passed 4-1-2003)