At the pre-application meeting (§ 153.16), the Commission will determine whether the proposed subdivision constitutes a major or minor subdivision; and in the case of minor subdivision, the lesser significance on the long range development of the community is considered justification for simplifying and expediting the processing of such plats.
   (A)   Minor plat criteria. To qualify for consideration as a minor subdivision plat, a subdivision must meet one of the following situations:
      (1)   A single lot multi-lot division, where a subdivision contains a total of two three lots, including the remainder of the original tract; provided both lots front on an existing public street; and the division involves no opening, widening or extension or streets or utilities;
      (2)   Consolidation plats where the division provides for the transfer of land between adjacent property owners and does not involve the creation of any new lots or building sites;
      (3)   Consolidation plats where up to and including five lots of record are consolidated to create a lesser number of parcels and involved no new public improvements; or
      (4)   Plats of correction where there is a need to make technical revisions to a recorded final plat of an engineering or drafting nature or similar small discrepancy, but not including the altering of any property lines or public improvement requirements.
   (B)   Minor plat requirements. 
      (1)   The following information shall be included on any minor plat presented for review by the Commission unless accompanied by a request for waiver:
         (a)   Name of subdivision and portion thereof, date, label “minor plat,” graphic scale, north arrow;
         (b)   Total site data including acreage, number of lots, area and lot number of the smallest lot, square feet of area or acres in parks and other public uses, zone districts that apply to subdivision;
         (c)   Name and address of property owner, subdivider (if other than owner);
         (d)   Name, address and seal of the licensed professional land surveyor responsible for preparation of the plat and certification that the plat represents a survey made by him or her and that all monuments shown actually exist, and their location, size and material are correctly shown;
         (e)   Names and adjacent property owners or subdivisions and abutting streets;
         (f)   Vicinity map at a scale of 2,000 feet per inch or greater showing the subject property and surrounding land within one-half mile existing street systems and their connections with proposed streets;
         (g)   All exterior plat boundary lines with lengths of courses and bearings as determined by an accurate survey in the field. The plat shall be prepared at a scale of not smaller than 100 feet per inch;
         (h)   Bearing and distance to nearest established street lines or other recognized permanent monuments;
         (i)   Exact location, right-of-way and names of all streets adjoining the plat;
         (j)   Location and dimensions of all easements or right-of-way when provided for or owned by public utilities, with the limitations of the easement rights definitely stated on the plat;
         (k)   Location of lots and blocks showing dimensions to nearest one hundredth foot, bearings of lot lines building setback and identification by consecutive lot number or letter designation;
         (l)   Lot width at building setback line and front lot line for lots located on curves;
         (m)   All permanent monuments, witness monuments or pins set to be set shall be shown and described on the minor plat. Such monuments shall be set at the intersections of property lines, the intersection of street centerlines, and at angles along the subdivision boundary. Any required monument or pin destroyed before acceptance of improvements shall be replaced by the subdivider or developer; and
         (n)   Subdivision plats being submitted for industrial and commercial development shall also show buildings including entrances, loading areas and, when possible, the number of establishments to be contained within.
      (2)   The following items of supplementary information shall be submitted with and included as part of the minor subdivision plat:
         (a)   Copy of completed subdivision application form for minor plat review and payment of subdivision processing fees;
         (b)   Deed restrictions and protective covenants shall either be placed on the minor plat or attached thereto in form for recording (if recorded separately, reference to the restrictions shall be made on the minor plat);
         (c)   Certificates 1, 2 and 3 as indicated in the Appendix; and
         (d)   If any portion of the proposed development lies within any 100-year floodplain, the boundaries of such floodplain shall be shown on the plat.
   (C)   Minor plat procedure.
      (1)   Upon the determination that a proposed subdivision meets the minor plat criteria of divisions (A) and (B) above, the subdivider shall proceed directly with the preparation of the plat for the Chairperson’s signature and recording.
      (2)   An application for review of the minor plat and five copies of the plat shall be submitted at least 21 days prior to a regularly scheduled Commission meeting to the Chairperson or his or her designee. The Chairperson or his or her designee may decide at this time to waive the required public review of the minor plat upon the determination that all plat requirements are met. If he or she so chooses, the Chairperson may sign the plat thus certifying its approval for recording by the County Clerk and not require it to be presented at a Commission meeting.
(Ord. passed 4-1-2003)