93.01 Definitions
93.02 Application of provisions
93.03 Burial only in cemeteries
93.04 Disruptive activity prohibited
93.05 Desecration of public and private cemeteries
93.06 Removing or defacing monuments and tombstones
93.07 Hours of operation
93.08 Trees, plantings and landscaping
93.09 Cemetery map required
93.10 Purchase of burial rights
93.11 Rights of owner of certificate of burial right
93.12 Speculation in burial rights prohibited
93.13 Mausoleums
93.14 Monuments
93.15 Markers
93.16 No burial without permit
93.17 Records of persons buried required
93.18 Digging graves
93.99 Penalty
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ADMINISTRATOR. The person designated by the Manager to perform the functions and exercise the responsibilities assigned by this chapter to the Administrator.
LOT. A plot of ground within the town cemetery consisting of 2 or more burial spaces, as shown on the official cemetery map.
MARKER. A plaque installed at ground level at the site of a grave to indicate the name, date of birth and date of death of the person buried there.
MAUSOLEUM. A structure or building substantially exposes above ground intended to be used for the entombment of remains of a deceased person.
MONUMENT. A memorial stone or other structure erected at a gravesite in remembrance of the dead.
(1981 Code, § 13-1)
No person may bury or cause to be buried the body of any deceased person within the town limits in any place other than a church cemetery operated by a governmental entity or a private cemetery licensed specifically exempted from licensing according to the North Carolina Cemetery Act (G.S. Ch. 65 Article 9).
(1981 Code, § 13-3) Penalty, see § 93.99
(A) No person may drive any motor vehicle of any kind in any cemetery except upon the main roads and avenues provided therein for vehicular traffic.
(B) No person may drive any motor vehicle or park any motor vehicle in any cemetery unless in attendance at burial services or otherwise engaged in activities consistent with the use of a cemetery as a cemetery.
(C) No person may take any dog, horse or other animal into any cemetery or allow any animal to run at large therein.
(D) No person may intentionally disrupt any funeral services or disturb the quiet and good order of any cemetery by extremely loud or boisterous conduct. Except in the case of military funerals and veterans or military commemorative exercises, no person may carry or discharge firearms in any cemetery.
(E) No person may post or attach any bills, posters, placards, pictures or other form of political or commercial advertising within the cemetery or on the inside or outside of any wall or fence enclosing any cemetery.
(1981 Code, § 13-4) Penalty, see § 93.99
As provided in G.S. § 14-148, if any person shall willfully commit any of the acts set forth in the following divisions, he or she shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not more than $100 or imprisoned for not more than 30 days, or both, in the discretion of the court:
(1) Throwing, placing or putting any refuse, garbage, trash or articles of similar nature in or on a public or private cemetery where human bodies are interred; or
(2) Destroying, removing, breaking, damaging, overturning or polluting any flower, plant, shrub or ornament located in any public or private cemetery where human bodies are interred without the express consent of the person in charge of the cemetery.
(B) Provided nothing contained in this section shall preclude operators of cemeteries from exercising all the powers reserved to them in their respective rules and regulations relating to the care of the cemeteries.
(1981 Code, § 13-5)