For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   GARBAGE. All solid wastes capable of being rapidly decomposed by microorganisms, including but not limited to animal and vegetable wastes resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking and consumption of food, as well as animal offal and carcasses, but excluding sewage and human wastes.
   PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR. The Public Works Director or any other person designated by the Manager to perform the functions and exercise the responsibilities assigned by this chapter to the Public Works Director.
   REFUSE. All solid wastes except garbage and solids that are dissolved or suspended commercial, or industrial waste effluent.
   SCRAP MATERIALS. Scrap materials are:
      (1)   Pieces or fragments of metal, wood, glass, masonry, plastic, textiles, rope, leather, rubber, paper or any other substance, that formerly were part of the construction of some useful object or thing or that consist of the excess resulting from the creation of some useful object or thing;
      (2)   Objects or things, including but not limited to machines, tools, equipment, hardware, furniture, appliances and the like, or parts of the same that are no longer in serviceable condition or are valuable only as raw material for reprocessing; or
      (3)   Motor vehicles or remnants thereof that:
         (a)   Do not display current license plates;
         (b)   Cannot without substantial repairs be made to operate in the manner originally intended; and
         (c)   Are valuable only as raw materials for reprocessing, but that do not constitute solid wastes as herein defined because they are or may be useful to or wanted by or have not been discarded by the person in control of the premises where they have been located.
   SOLID WASTES. Wastes that are nongaseous and nonliquid (except that liquid wastes resulting from the processing of food are deemed SOLID WASTES for the purposes of this chapter).
   WASTES. All useless, unwanted or discarded materials resulting from domestic, industrial, commercial or community activities.
(1981 Code, § 11-1)